Lastwall SentryLegacy Content
Source World Guide pg. 47 2.0While the nation of Lastwall is gone, leaving only the horror of the Gravelands behind, you refuse to give up and renounce your oaths. You’ve renewed your vows, swearing to combat the influence of the Whispering Tyrant wherever it might strike across Golarion.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source World Guide pg. 47 2.0Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites member of the Knights of Lastwall;
Shield BlockAccess You are from the Eye of Dread region.
You’ve sworn yourself as a sentry for the Knights of Lastwall, the first line of defense against incursions by the Whispering Tyrant throughout Golarion. You become trained in
Athletics and in Undead
Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert instead. Finally, you gain the
Reactive Shield fighter feat.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Lastwall sentry archetype.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 78Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
Extensive training against
undead has taught you to cover your weak points, even when you think that you're alone. You aren't
flat-footed to
undetected, or flanking undead of your level or lower. However, the undead can still help their allies flank. If all of your opponents are undead, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls; the GM determines whether to apply this bonus if undead are disguised as another type of creature, if another type of creature is disguised as undead, or if there are additional opponents you haven't noticed who aren't undead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Divine Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 78Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication; you worship a good-aligned deity
Your uttered prayers become an aegis, drawing the blessing of your deity across the surface of your shield. Until the beginning of your next turn your shield, any
shield boss, or
shield spikes gain the effects of a
ghost touch property rune. Additionally, damage you take as a result of an incorporeal creature's Strike can trigger your
Shield Block reaction, even if the damage isn't physical damage.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source World Guide pg. 47 2.0Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication; expert in Perception
You’ve learned how to spot danger at a distance, allowing you to serve as a sentry with ease. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls when using Perception, and when you’re Scouting, you grant your allies a +2 circumstance bonus instead of +1.
Legacy Content
Archetype Skill Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 78Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication; expert in
Religion or
Undead Lore
You regularly face off against
undead and can identify many with a glance. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on skill checks to
Recall Knowledge about undead. Whenever you roll a critical failure on a check to Recall Knowledge about undead, you get a failure instead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Skill Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 78Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
As stubborn in death as you are in life, you vow you'll never aid your hated enemies. You can't be transformed into an
undead, except by effects that originate from an
artifact or deity. Undead creatures that touch your corpse take 1 positive damage each time they do, or 1d6 positive damage each time they expose themselves to your corpse in a more thorough manner, such as by biting or carrying your corpse.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source World Guide pg. 47 2.0Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
As part of your training, you’ve inured yourself against necromancy through repeated exposure. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against necromancy effects and gain resistance to negative damage equal to half your level.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
You prefer to use nonlethal means against living opponents, but the weapons you carry are lethal enough to destroy undead. You don't take the normal –2 circumstance penalty when attacking nonlethally with a weapon that lacks the
nonlethal trait.
Legacy Content
Rare Archetype Source Legends pg. 68Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
Any shield you wield gains the
shove trait. When you
Shove using a shield and Stride as part of that action, you can move an additional 5 feet to either side of the creature you Shoved. In addition, if you are in the
Everstand Stance and successfully Shove a creature using a shield that you wield two-handed, you can increase the distance of your Shove to 10 feet.
Knights in Training
Source Legends pg. 68
The following feats represent benefits of training from the Iomedars (Kalabrynne for knight vigilant, Clarethe for knight reclaimant, either for Lastwall sentry).
Related Feats: Shall Not Falter, Shall Not Rout, Vigil's Walls Rise Anew!Legacy Content
Archetype Source World Guide pg. 47 2.0Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
Your time spent hunting the undead allows you to sense them. You sense undead as a
vague sense similar to a human’s sense of smell, an uncomfortable sensation akin to smelling something cloying and rotting. When in proximity to the undead, you eventually sense their presence, though you might not do so instantly, and you can’t pinpoint their location. An undead using a disguise or otherwise trying to hide its presence must attempt a
Deception check against your Perception DC to hide its presence from you. If the creature succeeds at its Deception check, it is then temporarily immune to your Grave Sense for 1 day.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
You've battled more undead than you care to remember, often with little time to prepare between foes, forcing you to rely on experience and muscle memory to guide your blade. Attempt a check to
Recall Knowledge about an undead you can see and then Strike that undead. If your attempt to Recall Knowledge is successful, your Strike treats the target's resistances as 5 lower. The target is then immune to your Practiced Opposition for 24 hours.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry DedicationTrigger An undead within your reach critically fails an attack roll targeting you.
You use your foe's failure as an opening to push them away. You attempt to
Shove the undead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
Through the power of your faith or the blessing of a priest, your weapons are fully effective against incorporeal creatures. Weapons you wield have the effects of a
ghost touch property rune for as long as you wield them.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication; you worship a good-aligned deity
Trigger You use the
Shield Block reaction, and the opponent that triggered the Shield Block is undead and adjacent to you.
Your shield flares with holy light as you block the attack, searing the undead with the power of your faith. The triggering undead takes positive damage equal to half your level and becomes
flat-footed for 1 round.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
Regular exposure to necromantic effects left you better able to defend against them. When you have your shield raised, you gain your shield's circumstance bonus to saving throws against effects that would deal negative damage. If you have the
Shield Block reaction, negative damage you take can trigger the reaction, even though the damage isn't physical damage.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source World Guide pg. 47 2.0Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Necromantic Resistance
Your training against necromantic effects allows you to escape the worst of their touch. If you roll a success on a saving throw against a necromancy effect, you get a critical success instead; if you roll a critical failure on such a save, you get a failure instead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication;
Grave Sense
Your ability to sense undead has improved. You sense undead as an
imprecise sense with a range of 60 feet: an uncomfortable sensation brushes against your spirit and stinks of rot. When in proximity to an undead, you can sense its presence, but it has the
hidden condition instead of the
observed condition. An undead using a disguise or otherwise trying to hide its presence must attempt a
Deception or
Stealth check against your Perception DC to hide its presence from you. If the creature succeeds, it's
undetected, and you have to use the
Seek basic action to detect the creature. As with hearing and other imprecise senses, you still need to Seek to locate an undetected creature.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source World Guide pg. 47 2.0Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
You use your shield to protect your allies, not just yourself, especially against the undead. When you have a shield raised, you can use your
Shield Block reaction when an attack is made against an ally adjacent to you, in addition to its usual trigger. If you do, the shield prevents that ally from taking damage instead of you, following the normal rules for a
Shield Block.
If an undead makes an attack against an ally within 10 feet, you can Step to become adjacent to your ally and then use
Shield Block as part of the same reaction.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
Your regular exposure to the insidious putrescence of undeath inured you to its effects. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws made against spells and effects with the
disease, and
evil traits. Whenever you become
drained or
sickened, reduce the status penalty you take from the condition by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication
You hold your shield together with the power of your faith and conviction, refusing to let wood splinter and steel shatter until the day's battles are won. If a shield would be destroyed due to damage taken during your Shield Block, the shield remains intact at 1 Hit Point instead. Its construction is weakened until you repair it, preventing you from using Resolute Defender to save the same shield again until your next daily preparations.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryFrequency once per day
Prerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication; expert in
ReligionTrigger A creature you can see uses a spell or ability that has the
evil or
negative traits.
You react instinctively when you sense evil forming, thrusting your spiritual energy toward the source to snuff out evil before it fully manifests. Attempt to
counteract the triggering spell or ability using your Religion modifier as your counteract modifier.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 79Archetype Lastwall SentryPrerequisites Lastwall Sentry Dedication;
Necromantic Resistance
Through repeated exposure, you've trained to resist the damage wrought by undead. Your resistance to negative damage also applies to damage dealt by the attacks and abilities of undead creatures, regardless of damage type.