Horn of the Aoyin
Item 13Legacy Content
Rare Cursed Enchantment Magical Source Dark Archive pg. 115Usage held in 2 hands;
Bulk 1
This musical instrument is crafted from the horn of an aoyin—a large, cannibalistic beast whose form resembles an ox with a white body, four horns, and hair as coarse as straw—and carved with fell symbols. If the
horn of the aoyin's owner doesn't use the instrument's activation on sapient creatures at least once a day, the
horn of the aoyin activates at some point of its own choosing on the owner, and the owner critically fails with no saving throw.
Activate [two-actions] Interact (
Frequency once per hour;
Requirements You're trained in
Effect You blow the horn, creating a low growling sound. Creatures other than you within 60 feet must attempt a DC 30 Will save. Those who fail become overwhelmed with an animalistic rage and the urge to consume flesh for 1 round, or 1 minute on a critical failure. They indiscriminately attack the nearest target unaffected by the magic of the horn unless there are no such targets, at which point they set on each other. While affected, they gain a jaws
unarmed attack that deals 1d8 piercing damage, deal an additional 2 damage with unarmed attacks, and lose the ability to use any weaponry. They also gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws against
mental effects and pain, can detect bleeding creatures and open wounds as an
imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet, and gain a +10- foot status bonus to their Speed. Lastly, they take a –1 penalty to AC and are unable to use
concentrate actions other than
Seeking. Creatures who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 24 hours.
Craft Requirements A
horn of the aoyin can be crafted only from a single aoyin horn. Crafting this object must be undertaken using tools soaked in the wielder's blood.