Knight VigilantLegacy Content
Source Character Guide pg. 94 2.0Taking their lead from heroic stories of the Shining Crusade, the knights vigilant stand as a courageous example of morality and honor.
Knights of Lastwall Archetypes
The following archetypes are uncommon but are available to members of the Knights of Lastwall. Qualifying characters with the
Lastwall sentry archetype can select one of these dedications even without gaining three feats from the Lastwall sentry archetype, and each of these archetypes’ feats fulfills the
Lastwall Sentry Dedication’s special requirement despite not being from the Lastwall sentry archetype.
Additional Feats
Source Player Core pg. 215 2.0Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level, which might be different than normal when gained from the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.
Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source Character Guide pg. 94 2.0Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites trained in
Religion; any good alignment; member of the Knights of Lastwall of knight rank
Access A character who is a member of the Knights of Lastwall has access to this option.
You are dedicated to the cause of the Shining Sentinels. You gain expert proficiency in
Religion. When you are between an ally and a foe and would provide lesser cover to your ally against the foe’s attacks, you twist to become even more obtrusive, providing standard cover instead.
Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Knight Vigilant archetype.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 74Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant; expert in
Religion; worship a deity with a divine font that grants
Although you aren't a proper champion of your faith, your deity still recognizes your efforts and provides you with a small divine ability to help others. You gain the
lay on hands devotion spell.
You gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point or increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the
Refocus activity to pray to your deity or perform service toward their causes. The full rules for focus spells are
here. You are trained in divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs. Your spellcasting ability is Charisma.
You must refrain from performing your deity's anathema or lose the ability to cast this spell until you atone.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 74Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight VigilantTrigger A foe within reach attempts to move away from you.
Requirements You have a hand free.
You attempt to snag the foe before they run away. Attempt an
Athletics check against the higher of the triggering creature's Athletics DC or Fortitude DC.
Critical Success You
disrupt the movement.
Success You are able to slow the triggering creature down. It takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speed for the rest of its triggering movement. This penalty might cause the triggering creature's movement to end immediately based on its affected Speed.
Failure As success, but the creature instead takes a –5-foot circumstance penalty to its Speed.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 74Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant
You know how to clear a line of fire for your allies. You don't provide lesser cover to enemies against your allies' attacks.
Legacy Content
Champion Fighter Source Core Rulebook pg. 112 4.0Archetypes Bastion,
Knight VigilantPrerequisites [Champion]
divine ally (shield); [Champion]
tenets of good; [Fighter]
Shield Block* This version of the Shield Warden feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
You use your shield to protect your allies. When you have a shield raised, you can use your
Shield Block reaction when an attack is made against an ally adjacent to you. If you do, the shield prevents that ally from taking damage instead of preventing you from taking damage, following the normal rules for Shield Block.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Character Guide pg. 94 2.0Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant; expert in Will saves
Your faith and hope can’t be shaken, and you won’t flee when lives are at stake. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on saves against
fear effects and
emotion effects that inflict despair. When you would gain the
fleeing condition, you can choose to stand your ground and be
stunned for the effect’s duration as well, preventing you from running and allowing you to re-enter the fight more quickly when the effect ends.
Legacy Content
Archetype Skill Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 74Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant; master in
Even when bloodshed is inevitable, you would rather see your foes surrender. You attempt a Diplomacy check to
Make an Impression against a single foe whose Hit Points are at less than half of their maximum value, followed by an immediate
Request to convince that creature to cease fighting. You take a –5 penalty to your Diplomacy check. The GM sets the DC of the Request based on the circumstances; it's generally at least a very hard DC for the creature's level. Some creatures might simply refuse, and those who agree to parley might find your arguments lacking and start fighting again.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Character Guide pg. 94 2.0Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant; expert in medium or heavy armor
Trigger An undead hits you with an unarmed attack.
Requirements You are wearing medium or heavy armor in which you have expert proficiency.
Your conviction redirects the undead’s attack through your armor and then harmlessly away. You gain resistance 5 to physical damage and resistance 10 to negative damage against the triggering attack. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any saving throws against effects from the undead’s natural attack; if you succeed at the saving throw, you get a critical success instead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 75Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant
A knight is nothing without their armor, and you know how to keep yours ready. You can perform a 10-minute ritual, which has the
conjuration and
magical traits, to divert a set of heavy armor you are wearing into an extradimensional space connected to you. While the armor is in this space, you can use a three-action activity, which has the
concentrate, conjuration, and teleportation traits, to phase the armor back and instantly don it. The armor automatically phases away if you don another set of armor, if you become
unconscious, or if you die. If you are incapable of wearing the armor when it phases back, it appears in your square instead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 75Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant
You move forward, creating an opening for others to follow. Choose one adjacent ally who has a reaction available. You Stride, and that ally can use their reaction to immediately Stride. The ally must end their Stride adjacent to you. If the ally Strides in this way, they don't trigger reactions that are normally triggered by movement. You, however, still trigger those reactions normally.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 81Archetypes Cavalier,
Knight VigilantPrerequisites Cavalier's Banner;
Knight VigilantAccess Knights of Lastwall have access to this feat.
Your banner makes it harder for your foes to push your allies around and encourages your allies to protect the innocent. Allies benefiting from your Cavalier's Banner feat also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to their Fortitude and Reflex DCs against attempts to
Shove, and
Trip. Each benefited ally also gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls against any creature that has dealt damage to an innocent of a lower level than that ally within the last round;
summoned creatures, companions, or any creatures you or your allies put into danger on purpose to attempt to gain this bonus don't count.
Legacy Content
Rare Archetype Source Legends pg. 69Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant Dedication
As part of daily preparation, you can drill with a number of allies up to your Charisma modifier. These allies must be present and listening during this time, but this does not otherwise impede their own preparation. When you use this feat's benefit, you and all drilled companions within 30 feet who are wielding shields
Raise a Shield. Allies who Raise their Shields keep them raised until the start of their next turn, as normal.
Knights in Training
Source Legends pg. 68
The following feats represent benefits of training from the Iomedars (Kalabrynne for knight vigilant, Clarethe for knight reclaimant, either for Lastwall sentry).
Related Feats: Rescuer's Press, Shall Not Falter, Shall Not RoutLegacy Content
Archetype Source Character Guide pg. 94 2.0Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant;
Shield Block; master in
ReligionRequirements You are wielding a shield.
Inspired by the tale of Arnisant, you transform your shield into a magic ward. Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain the following reaction:
Source Character Guide pg. 94 2.0Trigger An enemy casts a spell that targets you or an ally within 15 feet of you
You interpose your shield’s ward against the spell. Attempt a
counteract check, using your Religion modifier as your counteract modifier. On a success, the spell is counteracted and your shield takes damage equal to four times the spell level as it absorbs and disperses the magical energy. On a failure, the shield takes damage equal to twice the spell’s level.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 75Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant
You slowly advance on the battlefield, taking utmost caution. You either Step and
Raise a Shield or Raise a Shield and Step.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Character Guide pg. 94 2.0Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant; expert in light armor, medium armor, or unarmored defense; trained in heavy armor
As a knight in shining armor, you train daily in the heaviest armor, expanding your expertise to heavy armor. You gain expert proficiency in heavy armor.
Legacy Content
Fighter Source Core Rulebook pg. 151 4.0Archetypes Bastion,
Knight VigilantTrigger An opponent casting a spell that targets you critically fails a spell attack roll against your AC.
Requirements You have a shield raised.
* This version of the Mirror Shield feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
You reflect the spell back against the triggering opponent. Make a ranged attack against the triggering creature using your highest proficiency with a ranged weapon. If you can cast spells, you can make a spell attack roll instead. If you succeed, your opponent takes the effects of a successful spell attack roll for their own spell (or the effects of a critical success if your attack roll was a critical success).
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 75Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant; alignment permitted by the chosen deity
Unwilling to be outdone by the Crimson Reclaimers and their oath, you've petitioned the gods of good for a sliver of divine magic. Choose one of the following deities whose requirements you meet—for the Any Deity option below, you can select from the following deities or a deity the GM deems appropriate:
Vildeis—and one of the listed spells. You can Cast that Spell once per day as a 4th-level divine innate spell, and you become trained in divine spell DCs and divine spell attack rolls. At 14th level, the spell heightens to 5th level; at 16th level, the spell heightens to 6th level. Once you've selected a deity and a spell, you can't change this selection. You don't need to worship the deity as your patron deity, as they are willing to grant this boon on behalf of your worthy cause. You must refrain from performing your deity's anathema or lose the ability to cast this spell until you atone.
Special You can select this feat a second time at 14th level, gaining a second spell to cast once per day from your chosen deity's list or the Any Deity list, and you become an expert in divine spell DCs and divine spell attack rolls. You can select this feat a third time at 18th level. If you do, you gain a third spell to cast once per day from your chosen deity's list or the Any Deity list, and all three spells are heightened to 7th level.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 75Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant;
Interrupt Charge
You react to movement with hardly a thought, seeming constantly poised to spring. At the start of each of your turns, you gain an additional reaction that you can use only to Interrupt Charge.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 75Archetype Knight VigilantFrequency once per hour
Prerequisites Knight VigilantTrigger A foe's Strike reduces you to 0 Hit Points.
Requirements You had more than 1 Hit Point before the triggering Strike, and the Strike wouldn't kill you.
Your devotion to helping others and doing good keeps you going, even against insurmountable odds. Instead of being knocked out, you are reduced to 1 Hit Point, gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your level for 1 round, and increase your
wounded value by 1.
Legacy Content
Archetype Aura Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 75Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant; legendary in
As an ultimate foe of evil and protector of the innocent, your very presence is a ward against evil. Each evil creature within 30 feet of you at the end of your turn must succeed at a Will save against the higher of your class DC or spell DC or else become
slowed 1 (slowed 2 on a critical failure). On a successful save, the creature is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 75Archetype Knight VigilantPrerequisites Knight Vigilant
You've learned how to maximize the defensive abilities of your
tower shield. You are constantly
quickened and can use the additional action only to
Take Cover behind your tower shield after you have Raised it.