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Barbed VestItem 10

This Item may contain spoilers from the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Cursed Invested Magical Necromancy 
Source Pathfinder #159: All or Nothing pg. 78
Usage worn armor; Bulk 1
Viciously sharp spiked chains wrap around this studded leather armor that can be used to magically harm the wearer and channel supernatural abilities without somehow tearing at the leather itself.

The barbed vest doesn't fuse to you in the usual way (see Cursed Items). It can be removed and discarded, but 1 day after doing so, you feel driven to recollect the vest at any cost until the curse is removed with a remove curse spell.

Anytime you activate the barbed vest, its chains tighten around you, dealing 1d6 persistent piercing damage. You can remove this persistent damage as normal, but only after deactivating the item's magic as a single action.

Activate [two-actions] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect The barbed vest casts spiritual weapon, summoning a spiked chain to fight for you.