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PFS StandardGlacial Prison [two-actions] Feat 12

Cold Impulse Incapacitation Kineticist Overflow Primal Water 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 33 2.0

Intense cold swirls around your foe, covering it in frost that slows it down and turns its body to ice. Target a creature you can observe within 120 feet. It must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is slowed 1 until the end of its next turn.
Failure The target is frozen solid. It can't act, its AC is 9, it has Hardness 5, and it's immune to other cold effects, critical hits, and precision damage. This lasts until the end of your next turn, but if the target is affected by a hostile action, this effect ends immediately after that action.
Critical Failure As failure, but after becoming unfrozen, the creature is slowed 1 until the end of its next turn.



Effects with this trait deal cold damage. Creatures with this trait have a connection to magical cold.


The primary magical actions kineticists use are called impulses. You can use an impulse only if your kinetic aura is active and channeling that element, and only if you have a hand free to shape the elemental flow. The impulse trait means the action has the concentrate trait unless another ability changes this. If an impulse allows you to choose an element, you can choose any element you're channeling, and the impulse gains that element's trait.


An ability with this trait can take a character completely out of the fight or even kill them, and it’s harder to use on a more powerful character. If a spell has the incapacitation trait, any creature of more than twice the spell’s level treats the result of their check to prevent being incapacitated by the spell as one degree of success better, or the result of any check the spellcaster made to incapacitate them as one degree of success worse. If any other effect has the incapacitation trait, a creature of higher level than the item, creature, or hazard generating the effect gains the same benefits.


Powerful impulses temporarily overdraw the energy of your kinetic gate. When you use an impulse that has the overflow trait, your kinetic aura deactivates until you revitalize it (typically with Channel Elements). Extinguishing your element this severely is taxing, and consequently, you can use only one overflow impulse per round, even if you reactivate your kinetic gate.


This magic comes from the primal tradition, connecting to the natural world and instinct. Anything with this trait is magical.


Effects with the water trait either manipulate or conjure water. Those that manipulate water have no effect in an area without water. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of water or have a magical connection to the element. Planes with this trait are mostly liquid, perhaps with pockets of breathable air.