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There is a Remastered version here.

PFS StandardSlumber WineItem 12

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Ingested Poison Sleep 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 553 4.0
Price 325 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
Slumber wine sees its greatest use in games of intrigue, where an absence can be more devastating than injury. Characters unconscious from slumber wine can't wake up by any means while the poison lasts, don't need to eat or drink while unconscious in this way, and appear to be recently dead unless an examiner succeeds at a DC 40 Medicine check.

Saving Throw DC 32 Fortitude; Onset 1 hour; Maximum Duration 7 days; Stage 1 unconscious (1 day); Stage 2 unconscious (2 days); Stage 3 unconscious (3 days).