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PFS RestrictedOath of the DevotedItem 9

Legacy Content

Rare Contract Divine Invested Magical Necromancy 
Source The Mwangi Expanse pg. 230 2.0
You gain fire and mental resistance 5. When you die, you rise as an undead creature with the zombie trait on the next round; if you are a PC, you become an NPC under Walkena's control. Your stats remain the same, except that your alignment changes to evil. If you reach 0 Hit Points as a zombie, you are destroyed and do not rise again.

Activate [one-action] command; Frequency once per day; Effect You gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves. Choose a weapon or an unarmed Strike; your chosen attack deals an extra 1d6 fire damage for the next 1 minute.

Special If you are a zombie at a time when Mzali is entirely purged of foreigners, your duty is fulfilled and you are immediately destroyed.