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PFS StandardReturn to the Sea [two-actions] Feat 4

Impulse Kineticist Morph Primal Water 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 32 2.0

You adapt a creature to living and moving in water. Target a willing creature within 30 feet. For 10 minutes, it gains the effects of a feet to fins spell, can breathe water, and gets a +1 status bonus to AC and saves against any creature with the amphibious, aquatic, or water trait. In addition, its attacks ignore the effects water normally has on bludgeoning and slashing attacks. If you use Return to the Sea again, any existing one ends.
Level (6th) You can target up to 5 willing creatures.



The primary magical actions kineticists use are called impulses. You can use an impulse only if your kinetic aura is active and channeling that element, and only if you have a hand free to shape the elemental flow. The impulse trait means the action has the concentrate trait unless another ability changes this. If an impulse allows you to choose an element, you can choose any element you're channeling, and the impulse gains that element's trait.


Effects that slightly alter a creature's form have the morph trait. Any Strikes specifically granted by a morph effect are magical. You can be affected by multiple morph spells at once, but if you morph the same body part more than once, the second morph effect attempts to counteract the first (in the same manner as two polymorph effects, described in that trait).

Your morph effects might also end if you are polymorphed and the polymorph effect invalidates or overrides your morph effect. The GM determines which morph effects can be used together and which can't.


This magic comes from the primal tradition, connecting to the natural world and instinct. Anything with this trait is magical.


Effects with the water trait either manipulate or conjure water. Those that manipulate water have no effect in an area without water. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of water or have a magical connection to the element. Planes with this trait are mostly liquid, perhaps with pockets of breathable air.