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PFS LimitedCelestial HairItem 20

This Item may contain spoilers from the Extinction Curse Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Abjuration Consumable Magical Talisman 
Source Pathfinder #156: The Apocalypse Prophet pg. 74
Price 12,500 gp
Usage affixed to armor; Bulk
Activate [free-action] Interact; Trigger You critically fail a saving throw or are critically hit by an attack.
This strand of hair shimmers like the strands of fate. When you activate the string, it resonates with a single, perfect note. The triggering saving throw becomes a failure or the triggering attack roll becomes a regular hit, not critical one. If the source of the attack or effect is an evil creature, that creature must succeed at a DC 41 Will saving throw or be enfeebled 2 and stupefied 2 until the end of its next turn.