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PFS StandardSpirit-Sealing FuluItem 3+

Legacy Content

Consumable Fulu Incapacitation Magical Necromancy 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 160 2.0
Duration 1 round (or 4 rounds); Usage affixed to one undead creature; Bulk
This classic fulu seals the negative energy within an undead, freezing it in its tracks. Upon affixing, the target undead must attempt a Will save or be paralyzed for 1 round.

PFS StandardSpirit-Sealing FuluItem 3

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 160 2.0
Price 10 gp
The DC is 17.

PFS StandardSpirit-Sealing Fulu (Greater)Item 10

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 160 2.0
Price 155 gp
The DC is 27. On a critical failure, the undead is paralyzed for 4 rounds. At the end of each of its turns, it can attempt a new Will save to reduce the remaining duration by 1 round, or end it entirely on a critical success.