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Privacy Ward FuluItem 1+

This Item may contain spoilers from the Season of Ghosts Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Abjuration Consumable Fulu Magical 
Source Pathfinder #196: The Summer That Never Was pg. 83
Usage affixed to wall; Bulk
This fulu seeks to keep thieves, spies, and unwanted attention away from a room. A depiction of a lock appears in the center of this fulu, which is in turn surrounded by circles of broken keys. When applied to a wall inside a room, all creatures within the room gain an item bonus to Stealth checks against creatures outside the room.

PFS StandardPrivacy Ward Fulu (Hallway)Item 1

Source Pathfinder #196: The Summer That Never Was pg. 83
Price 4 gp
The privacy ward fulu can shield a room of up to 10 square feet, grants a +1 item bonus, and has a duration of 1 hour.

PFS StandardPrivacy Ward Fulu (Room)Item 5

Source Pathfinder #196: The Summer That Never Was pg. 83
Price 25 gp
The fulu can shield a room of up to 30 square feet, grants a +1 item bonus, and has a duration of 8 hours. If you become hidden within the room, you automatically become undetected to creatures of the fulu's level or lower.

PFS StandardPrivacy Ward Fulu (Chamber)Item 9

Source Pathfinder #196: The Summer That Never Was pg. 83
Price 120 gp
The fulu can shield a room of up to 90 square feet, grants a +2 item bonus, and has a duration of 24 hours. If you become hidden within the room, you automatically become undetected to creatures of the fulu's level or lower.