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The Deck of Destiny

The LocksmithItem 20

This Item may contain spoilers from the Stolen Fate Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Unique Abjuration Artifact Harrow Court Invested Magical 
Source Pathfinder #190: The Choosing pg. 78
Usage carried; Bulk
Suit Keys (Dex); Alignment lawful neutral
The Locksmith represents opening locks, including metaphorical locks such as unlocking fate. As long as you have The Locksmith invested, it grants you a +2 item bonus to Thievery checks to Pick a Lock. This increases to a +3 item bonus if you are at least 17th level.

Activate [reaction] envision, Interact; Frequency once per day; Trigger You would be afflicted by a curse or a disease; Effect You mimic the turning of a key in a lock and free yourself from your unpleasant fate. You attempt to counteract the triggering affliction, using half your level (rounded up) as the counteract level and a counteract check modifier equal to your class DC – 10.