Actions | Activities

Organize Watch

Source Kingmaker Companion Guide pg. 111
Requirements expert in Perception
You spend 2 hours to take the lead on organizing the camp's watch rotation, optimizing shifts, and scouting the surrounding area to determine which approaches to the camp are most likely to be used by enemies. Attempt a Perception check against the Zone DC.

Critical Success The camp's watch is efficient. Treat the total time required for rest as if the party size were 1 more, and all characters gain a +2 status bonus to Perception checks made during their shift on watch.
Success Characters gain a +1 status bonus to Perception checks made during their shift on watch.
Failure Your attempt to organize the watch doesn't grant any additional benefits.
Critical Failure As failure, but you may have attracted unwanted attention. Attempt a flat check against the zone's Encounter DC to determine if a random encounter occurs.