Twilight SpeakerLegacy Content
Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 78As a religious and diplomatic representative of
Findeladlara—and all Ilverani of the north—you see it as your duty to befriend shorter-lived peoples you encounter on your travels. Unlike other Ilverani, also called “snowcaster elves” by outsiders, you find outsiders interesting and believe there is much to learn from having conversations and relationships with others. Whether to watch them, teach them, or to keep would-be enemies close, you believe a broad smile, ageless learning, and a watchful eye are key. Some see this watchful and outwardly friendly nature as condescending, but they don't understand the reason why worshipers of Findeladlara feel a duty to uphold this tradition. When Earthfall struck and most of the other elves on Golarion fled to Sovyrian or delved deep into the earth, the elves that would one day come to be known as Ilverani remained and sought to shelter others from catastrophe. They built refuges to protect others and helped guide people to safety during the Age of Darkness. While Twilight Seekers today don't build safe structures, they do work to build bonds among people so that society can be protected against other catastrophic events should they come to pass.
This calling brings you in contact with many different cultures, yet you seek to preserve the ways of your people. To this end, you are ever on your guard against the lure of “modern fads.” Unfortunately, some twilight speakers have succumbed to the allure of other ways of life and, for them, there is only one outcome: exile.
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 78Archetype Twilight SpeakerPrerequisites trained in
Society; you are an Ilverani elf
You have carefully studied the histories, customs, and etiquette of many of the younger peoples of Golarion. You become an expert in Society. At 7th level, you become a master in Society, and at 15th level, you become legendary in Society. You can use the Society skill instead of the
Diplomacy skill when you attempt to
Make an Impression on a non-
elven intelligent
humanoid creature.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you've gained two other feats from the twilight speaker archetype.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 78Archetype Twilight SpeakerPrerequisites Twilight Speaker Dedication
You believe that treating others with respect is the fastest way into their hearts, and in turn others are more likely to believe in your good intentions and write off bad first impressions as flukes. If a creature's attitude towards you becomes lower over the course of a social interaction (for example, from
friendly to
indifferent, or from indifferent to
unfriendly), their impression of you returns to its starting level an hour after the social interaction ends. This ability has no effect if the creature you are interacting with becomes
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 79Archetype Twilight SpeakerPrerequisites Twilight Speaker DedicationRequirements You are within melee reach of a target, but it is not in combat with you.
While your usual diplomacy is well intentioned, you know that sometimes those same skills will need to be turned to deception. In a flash, you draw a sheathed or concealed
agile or
finesse weapon and make a melee Strike. The target is
flat-footed against your Strike. You then roll
Deception for initiative.
Legacy Content
Archetype Concentrate Emotion Mental Visual Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 78Archetype Twilight SpeakerPrerequisites Twilight Speaker DedicationTrigger You are the target of a melee attack and the attacker has not rolled yet.
Requirements You are aware of the attacker, the attacker is an intelligent
humanoid creature, and you have not attempted to harm the attacker.
With a wide, sincere smile, you give your attacker pause. You attempt a
Diplomacy check against the triggering attacker's Will DC. After you use Disarming Smile, all creatures who witnessed you use it are temporarily immune to your Disarming Smile for the next 24 hours.
Critical Success Your enemy ceases their attack. The attack fails and the triggering target can't attempt
hostile actions against you until the beginning of its next turn or until you (or your allies) take hostile actions against the enemy (or its allies). You can begin talking to the creature on your next turn to attempt another Diplomacy check; on a success, you sustain the effect until the beginning of your next turn, to a maximum of 1 minute. Talking on subsequent rounds requires that you be able to communicate with the target creature and imparts the
auditory and
linguistic traits to the action.
Success Your foe pauses momentarily. Their attack fails, but they can attempt further attacks against you.
Failure The target's attack is unaffected.
Legacy Content
Archetype Skill Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 79Archetype Twilight SpeakerPrerequisites Twilight Speaker Dedication
All twilight speakers are trained to resist the alluring customs of younger peoples, but you have made it your mandate to keep the Ilverani way unchanged. Such dedication has given you a trained eye for subtlety and deception. When you attempt to
Sense the Motive of a non-
elf humanoid creature and you roll a critical failure, you fail instead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 79Archetype Twilight SpeakerPrerequisites Twilight Speaker Dedication
Your keen study of other cultures gives you insights into the ways those cultures fight. When you use Perception to roll initiative and none of your enemies have the
elf trait, you can choose to roll
Society instead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 79Archetype Twilight SpeakerPrerequisites Disarming SmileTrigger You roll initiative.
You can tell when diplomacy has failed and a meeting is close to unraveling or falling to blows. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your initiative roll. During your first turn in combat, you can use your Disarming Smile, targeting every
hostile intelligent
humanoid creature that can see you but has yet to act. If you choose to sustain your Disarming Smile, you sustain the effect for only one creature, as normal.