TrollSource Dark Archive pg. 101Especially common when a deviant ability is born of scientific experimentation, the troll classification connotes improved physical abilities. While often thought of as biological mutation, clockwork implants and personal magical enhancements are equally likely mechanisms.
Bone Spikes [one-action] Feat 2
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Deviant Evocation Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 10,
Dark Archive pg. 101
Sharp shards of bone tear forth from your elbows, wrists, or other parts of your body. For 1 minute, you can make bone spike
unarmed Strikes, which deal 1d6 piercing damage and have the
versatile S and
sweep trails. When you take the Bone Spikes action, you can choose one weapon on your person and duplicate its weapon runes onto your bone spikes (with the exception of any runes that couldn't apply to the bone spears).
Awakening Your bones grow longer, lashing flexibly at range. While you have bone spikes, you can Interact to give your bone spikes
reach 10 feet until the end of the current turn.
Awakening Grooves in your bone spikes form a channel for venom. Your bone spikes deal 1d4
persistent poison damage, which increases to 2d4 at 10th level and 3d4 at 18th level.
Titan Swing [two-actions] Feat 2
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Deviant Magical Transmutation Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 10,
Dark Archive pg. 101
Your limbs tense as you deliver a mighty swing. Make a melee Strike. If it hits, you deal an extra die of weapon damage and
push the target back by 5 feet. If you're at least 10th level, increase this to two extra dice and push the target by 10 feet, and if you're at least 18th level, increase it to three extra dice and push the target by 15 feet.
Awakening On a critical hit, you push the target back double the normal distance and knock it
Awakening On a hit, you deal 1d6
persistent bleed damage. This increases to 2d6 at 10th level and 3d6 at 18th level.
High-Speed Regeneration [free-action] Feat 6
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Deviant Healing Magical Necromancy Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 10,
Dark Archive pg. 101Trigger Your turn begins.
Your wounds knit together with barely a thought. You regain Hit Points equal to double your level. When you gain this deviation, the GM secretly selects one type of energy damage or precious material, such as fire or
cold iron. When you take damage of that type, your wound smokes until the end of your next turn, preventing you from using High-Speed Regeneration.
Awakening Your regeneration can automatically save you from the brink of death. Once per day, you can use High-Speed Regeneration when your Hit Points would be reduced to 0 instead of the usual trigger. You avoid being
knocked out and remain at the number of HP you regained.
Awakening Regrowth invigorates you. You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your turn.
Tectonic Stomp [two-actions] Feat 10
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Deviant Evocation Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 10,
Dark Archive pg. 101
You cause minor tremors that topple your enemies. All creatures in a 30-foot emanation who are standing on the ground take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 2 levels you have, with a
basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save also falls
Awakening Your stomp also ejects large fragments from the ground. You raise up to three stone chunks from the ground in unoccupied squares in the emanation; the stones can't be adjacent to one another. The chunks are 5 feet tall, block movement, and are large enough to
Take Cover behind. They have AC 10, Hardness 8, and Hit Points equal to your level. They are immune to critical hits and precision damage. A stone chunk crumbles away when it has 0 Hit Points, and all of them crumble after 1 minute or when you use Tectonic Stomp again.
Awakening Your stomp rattles those who fail horribly. A creature that critically fails its save is also
stunned 1.
Backlash: Strained Metabolism
Your body's overclocked physiology requires larger-than- usual amounts of nourishment, leaving you weakened when it kicks in mid-combat.
Mild Backlash Your metabolism immediately burns through your body's energy stores, making you
enfeebled 1 and
clumsy 1 until you take a bite of food (which usually requires 2 Interact actions: one to retrieve the food and another to consume it).
Moderate Backlash Ravenous hunger wracks your body. You are enfeebled 1, clumsy 1, and
fatigued until you can eat a full meal, which requires at least 10 minutes.
Severe Backlash The strain on your body is truly incapacitating. You become
sickened 2 as nausea wracks you, and you are also enfeebled 1 and clumsy 1 until you can eat a full meal (which requires you to no longer be sickened). You are fatigued until you can get a full night's rest.