WraithSource Dark Archive pg. 102Wraith-type deviations often result from contact with otherworldly presences or artifacts, comprising a strange assortment of abilities that involve realms beyond our own.
Eerie Flicker [reaction] Feat 2
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Rare Conjuration Deviant Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 11,
Dark Archive pg. 102Trigger A enemy's Strike would hit you and you weren't already
hidden, or
undetected by that enemy.
Your body flickers momentarily into the
Ethereal Plane. You become concealed for 1 round, and the flat check for concealment applies to the Strike that would have hit you. If the flat check fails, the Strike misses you.
Awakening When your body flickers, you momentarily assume a terrifying form. If a creature fails the flat check against concealment from your Eerie Flicker, it becomes
frightened 1, and it doesn't reduce the frightened condition from this effect at the end of the same turn it gained the condition.
Awakening You can choose to compress your flickering movement into a single moment, increasing your chance to avoid the triggering attack in exchange for a shorter-lived effect. If you choose to do so, the flat check for concealment against the triggering attack increases to DC 9, but the concealment affects only the triggering Strike.
Ghostly Grasp (Deviant) [one-action] Feat 2
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Deviant Evocation Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 11,
Dark Archive pg. 102
An invisible arm extends from you to grab and manipulate objects. The arm reaches up to 15 feet, grabs an unattended object of 1 Bulk or less, and immediately deposits it in one of your free hands or at your feet. Alternatively, it reaches up to 15 feet and performs a simple Interact action like pushing open a window, though it can't perform actions that require significant mechanical dexterity. For every 5 levels you have, the amount the hand can lift increases by 1 Bulk, and the arm's range increases by 15 feet. Being ghostly, the arm can affect
spirits, and other
incorporeal entities, though in most cases, you need an awakening for this to be useful.
Awakening Your invisible arm can grab on to an unsuspecting target. You can modify the power's target to be 1 creature within range. You make an attack roll against the creature's Fortitude DC and add the attack trait to the action. On a success, the target is
grabbed by the arm (or
restrained on a critical success). This lasts for 1 round or until the creature
Awakening You summon additional ghostly arms that entwine together to push targets. You can modify the power's target to be 1 creature within range. You make an attack roll against the creature's Fortitude DC and add the
attack trait to the action. On a success, you can
move the target 5 feet in any direction (10 feet on a critical success).
Enervating Wail [two-actions] Feat 6
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
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Rare Auditory Deviant Magical Necromancy Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 11,
Dark Archive pg. 102
You release a terrible wail that tears at the spirits of all nearby. All living creatures in a 20-foot emanation take negative damage with a
basic Fortitude save. The damage is 4d6, plus 1d6 for every level you have beyond 6th.
Awakening Your scream echoes in the mind. You can choose to emit a silent psychic wail instead, which changes the damage type to mental, changes the save to a Will save, removes the
auditory trait, and adds the
mental trait.
Awakening Your wail saps your foes' strength. In addition to the normal effects, living creatures in the area are
enfeebled 1 for 1 round on a success (but not a critical success), enfeebled 1 for 1 minute on a failure, and enfeebled 2 for 1 minute on a critical failure.
Distant Wandering [one-action] Feat 10
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Deviant Evocation Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 11,
Dark Archive pg. 103
Your body falls
unconscious and your spirit projects out of it. While in spirit form, you can't consciously move your body, and you are
invisible and inaudible, though a creature still might notice the signs of your presence and passing, just like for an invisible creature affected by
silence, or a
prying eye. You can freely move about, though you can't touch or move anything, cast spells, attack, or otherwise affect anything around you. Despite your ghostly form, you are not
incorporeal and can't pass through barriers you couldn't in your body. Most effects can't harm your spirit form, though some spells, like
spirit blast and
spirit song, explicitly damage a creature's spirit. You can return to your body as a free action. If you are in spirit form at the beginning of your turn, you must attempt another backlash check for your deviation, returning to your body if you fail.
Awakening Your spirit moves at the speed of thought. You gain a fly Speed and a +20-foot status bonus to your Speed while in spirit form.
Awakening Time seems to pass more slowly while you are projecting your spirit, letting you notice things around you. When you enter spirit form, you can
Recall Knowledge or
Seek. You are
quickened while in spirit form and can use the extra action only to Recall Knowledge or Seek.
Backlash: Encroaching Presence
Seeing and touching the beyond leaves you open to its alien influence, warping your perceptions and thoughts.
Mild Backlash Something inexplicable touches your mind, leaving you with lingering horror. You become
frightened 3.
Moderate Backlash Disorienting visions and figments cover your vision, as if you're seeing through another set of alien senses. For 10 minutes, all creatures become
concealed to you as they are covered in visual distortions only you can see.
Severe Backlash Your life force is siphoned away as the presence tugs your soul to wherever it resides. You become
doomed 1 and
drained 2 until your next daily preparations.