Spirit's Absolution [one-action] Feat 6Legacy Content
Archetype Healing Necromancy Positive Source Book of the Dead pg. 23Archetype ExorcistCost 1 spirit wisp or spirit remnant from your
spirit dwellingPrerequisites Exorcist DedicationRequirements You are holding your
spirit dwelling.
You purify a spirit by absolving it of its sins and regrets. This cathartic experience restores your Hit Points or those of an adjacent ally. If you expend a spirit wisp, the target recovers 1d4 Hit Points per level you have. If you expend a spirit remnant, the target recovers 1d6 Hit Points per level of the
incorporeal undead or
haunt from which you gained the remnant.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.
Healing: A healing effect restores a creature’s body, typically by restoring Hit Points, but sometimes by removing diseases or other debilitating effects.
Necromancy: Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the necromancy school of magic, typically involving forces of life and death.
Positive: Effects with this trait heal living creatures with energy from the Forge of Creation, deal vitality energy damage to undead, or manipulate vitality energy.
These planes are awash with life energy. Colors are brighter, fires are hotter, noises are louder, and sensations are more intense. At the end of each round, an undead creature takes at least minor vitality environmental damage. In the strongest areas of a vitality plane, they could take moderate or even major vitality damage instead. While this might seem safe for living creatures, vitality planes present a different danger. Living creatures regain an amount of HP each round equal to the environmental damage undead take in the same area. If this would bring the living creature above their maximum HP, any excess becomes temporary HP. Unlike normal, these temporary HP combine with each other, and they last until the creature leaves the plane. If a creature’s temporary HP from a vitality plane ever exceeds its maximum HP, it explodes in a burst of overloaded vitality energy, spreading across the area to birth new souls.