ExorcistLegacy Content
Source Book of the Dead pg. 22You pacify restless
ghosts, and
haunts, capturing fragments of them and using their vengeful energies to fuel your own powers while purifying the spirit. You store these ghosts within a magical vessel called a
spirit dwelling. This
spirit dwelling might be a treasured family heirloom, an item you crafted expressly to help with exorcisms, or even just an odd trinket you found that happens to do the job.
While the motivations of exorcists run the gamut, most are compassionate individuals who believe that every ghost, haunt, and spirit is simply a lost soul in need of rest. They collect spirits expressly for the purposes of offering them comfort, guidance, and absolution. After an exorcist's ministrations, these spirits are freed of their burdens, emotion, and regrets and are reabsorbed into the River of Souls. Although exorcists rarely gather in one place, many different religions employ them to deal with spiritual threats.
Exorcists are most commonly found among the faithful of
Ashava the True Spark (the empyreal lord of dancers), but among the major deities of the Inner Sea region,
Pharasma, and even
Shelyn count a fair number of exorcists among their faithful. Exorcists can come from any walk of life, but many are
redeemer champions,
clerics, or
monks. Apart from the role of the
spirit dwelling, exorcism practices can vary. For example, a
bard or
rogue might attract spirits with trickery, charm, or empty promises. In contrast, a cleric of Pharasma could take a more severe route, demanding the spirits return to the natural order of things.
Additional Feats
Source Player Core pg. 215 2.0Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level, which might be different than normal when gained from the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.
Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.
Legacy Content
Archetype Dedication Source Book of the Dead pg. 22Archetype ExorcistPrerequisites trained in
Occultism or
You've learned to attract, quell, and purify spirits, housing them in a special receptacle called a
spirit dwelling until they're ready to move on. Through the power of prayers or ritual incantations, one mundane object in your possession becomes a
spirit dwelling. Your
spirit dwelling functions as a lure for lost spirits weakened by their time on the
Material Plane. Each day during your daily preparations, your
spirit dwelling attracts a spirit wisp who comes to dwell inside. If your
spirit dwelling contains no wisps, you can spend 10 minutes in a minor ritual to cast your
spirit dwelling around an area and attract another wisp. You can also capture stronger spirit remnants from vanquished
undead spirits, as explained in the
Spirit Dwellings and Remnants sidebar. As long as your
spirit dwelling contains any spirits, it glows faintly, casting dim light in a 10-foot radius.
As an exorcist, you do more than just collect spirits: you also help rid them of their burdens and lingering resentments, aiding their transition from the Material Plane. Every day, before your daily preparations, any spirit wisps and remnants remaining within your
spirit dwelling from the previous day are purified and can join the River of Souls in their final journey to
Pharasma's Boneyard.
You can also learn abilities that let you purify a spirit in your
spirit dwelling immediately in a cathartic surge, granting you a helpful effect as they depart for the afterlife. Any actions you gain from the exorcist archetype gain either the
divine or
occult trait, depending on whether you used Occultism or Religion to qualify for Exorcist Dedication.
Spirit's Mercy is the simplest of the purifications.
Spirit's Mercy [reaction] (
Trigger You take
positive or
negative damage, or you take any type of damage caused by a
ghost, or other
incorporeal undead;
Cost 1 spirit wisp or remnant;
Effect You purify a spirit by having it perform a final act of mercy to lessen the damage caused by another spirit. This grants you resistance to positive and negative damage (or resistance to all damage if caused by a haunt or incorporeal undead) against the triggering effect. If you expend a spirit wisp, the resistance is equal to twice your level. If you expend a spirit remnant, the resistance is equal to three times the level of the incorporeal undead or haunt from which you gained the remnant.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the exorcist archetype.
Cast Out [two-actions] Feat 6
Legacy Content
Abjuration Archetype Concentrate Manipulate Source Book of the Dead pg. 23Archetype ExorcistPrerequisites Exorcist Dedication
You attempt to cast a malevolent entity out of the creature or object it's possessing. Roll a
counteract check against the
possession effect; you must be within 30 feet of the possessed creature or object to do so. Your counteract level is half your level rounded up, and your counteract modifier is your
Occultism modifier,
Religion modifier, or spell DC – 10, whichever is highest. If you succeed, the entity is driven out and can't attempt to possess that creature or object for 1 week. If you fail, the possessing creature is immune to your Cast Out for a year and a day.
Legacy Content
Archetype Healing Necromancy Positive Source Book of the Dead pg. 23Archetype ExorcistCost 1 spirit wisp or spirit remnant from your
spirit dwellingPrerequisites Exorcist DedicationRequirements You are holding your
spirit dwelling.
You purify a spirit by absolving it of its sins and regrets. This cathartic experience restores your Hit Points or those of an adjacent ally. If you expend a spirit wisp, the target recovers 1d4 Hit Points per level you have. If you expend a spirit remnant, the target recovers 1d6 Hit Points per level of the
incorporeal undead or
haunt from which you gained the remnant.
Legacy Content
Archetype Evocation Sonic Source Book of the Dead pg. 23Archetype ExorcistCost 1 spirit wisp or spirit remnant from your
spirit dwellingPrerequisites Exorcist DedicationRequirements You are holding your
spirit dwelling.
You purify a spirit by coaxing it to release its anguish in a final cathartic howl. This deals sonic damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone, with a
basic Will save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. If you expend a spirit wisp, this deals 1d4 sonic damage per level you have. If you expend a spirit remnant, this deals 1d6 sonic damage per level of the
incorporeal undead or
haunt from which you gained the remnant.
Legacy Content
Divination Divine Oracle Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 79 2.0Archetype Exorcist* This version of the Spiritual Sense feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
You have a vague connection to the
Ethereal Plane that enables you to notice spirits. While you're exploring but not
Searching, the GM rolls a
secret check for you to find
haunts that usually require Searching, as well as
spirits, creatures on the Ethereal Plane, and beings made entirely of spiritual essence such as
fiends, and
You can also potentially notice
ethereal creatures and spirits inside solid objects, provided they are within 30 feet of you. This applies while Searching, while
Seeking, and on the automatic secret check you gain while exploring even if you aren't Searching. You can still notice spirits only on a successful check, and you can't see them if they're more than 5 feet inside an object.
When you notice a creature with your Spiritual Sense, you also learn its location, making it
hidden to you if it had been
Legacy Content
Fighter Investigator Ranger Rogue Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 63 2.0,
Core Rulebook pg. 173 4.0Archetypes Exorcist,
Horizon WalkerPrerequisites master in Perception
* This version of the Blind-Fight feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
Your battle instincts make you more aware of
concealed and
invisible opponents. You don't need to succeed at a flat check to target concealed creatures. You're not
flat-footed to creatures that are
hidden from you (unless you're flat-footed to them for reasons other than the hidden condition), and you need only a successful DC 5 flat check to target a hidden creature.
While you're adjacent to an
undetected creature of your level or lower, it is instead only hidden from you.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Book of the Dead pg. 23Archetype ExorcistPrerequisites Exorcist Dedication
spirit dwelling is particularly inviting to spirit wisps. During your daily preparations, and whenever you spend 10 minutes to find more wisps, you entice two wisps into your
spirit dwelling instead of one.
Legacy Content
Champion Source Core Rulebook pg. 113 4.0Archetype ExorcistPrerequisites tenets of good* This version of the Sense Evil feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
You sense evil as a queasy or foreboding feeling. When in the presence of an aura of evil that is
powerful or overwhelming, you eventually detect the aura, though you might not do so instantly, and you can't pinpoint the location. This acts as a
vague sense, similar to humans' sense of smell. An evil creature using a disguise or otherwise trying to hide its presence attempts a
Deception check against your Perception DC to hide its aura from you. If the creature succeeds at its Deception check, it is then temporarily immune to your Sense Evil for 1 day.
Legacy Content
Investigator Ranger Rogue Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 64 2.0,
Core Rulebook pg. 175 4.0PFS Note GMs should let a character with the Sense the Unseen investigator feat know when the trigger for the ability has been met so they can use the feat if they so choose.
Archetypes Exorcist,
ShadowdancerTrigger You fail a check to Seek.
* This version of the Sense the Unseen feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
When you look for foes, you can catch even the slightest cues, such as their minute movements or the shifting of air currents on your skin. Even though you failed at the triggering check, you automatically sense any undetected creatures in the area where you’re Seeking, making them merely hidden to you.