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PFS StandardVehicle Mechanic

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 56 2.0
You have always felt that vehicles are as much works of art as they are means of transportation. It doesn't matter if it's as common as a chariot or as complex as an airship, there's always some aspect of the vehicle you can improve upon. Pilots, drivers, and sailors alike value your expertise, and many seek you out to work on their vehicles. While you can make a great profit working on custom vehicles for wealthy clients, you still keep a vehicle of your own to tinker with as your personal passion project.

You might be part of a vehicle mechanic union, working with other mechanics and engineers to find fair jobs and support each other's labor. While some vehicle mechanic unions are secular, many realize the benefits of organizing alongside a sympathetic religion, and so they typically adopt the ideals of economically-focused gods like Abadar or deities interested in crafting such as the goddess Brigh—the Whisper in Bronze—the goddess of invention. Whether religious or secular, vehicle mechanic unions take the bonds between fellow union members seriously. While this might mean your character becomes obligated to help a fellow union member who needs your help, it also means you have steadfast allies you can fall back on in your own time of need. In dire straits, such a connection can be worth its weight in gold.

PFS StandardVehicle Mechanic Dedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Dedication 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 56 2.0
Archetype Vehicle Mechanic
Prerequisites Intelligence 14; trained in Crafting

You are adept at designing and maintaining mechanical vehicles, and you lavish your attention and ingenuity on one vehicle in particular. You become an expert in Crafting, and you choose one vehicle you own—or your party owns collectively—to be your signature vehicle: the vehicle you spend time customizing to grant it various advantages. You can spend 1 week of downtime with a new vehicle to designate it as your signature vehicle instead. Due to your amazing customizations and adjustments, pilots gain a +1 circumstance bonus to any piloting checks they make to control your signature vehicle. If you are a master in Crafting, this bonus increases to +2.

Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the mechanic archetype.

PFS StandardEngine Bay Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 56 2.0
Archetype Vehicle Mechanic
Prerequisites Vehicle Mechanic Dedication; expert in Crafting

You are practiced at working in vast garages of vehicles and can work on many machines at a time. When Repairing and spending the full 10 minutes, you can fix up to two objects. If you are a master in Crafting, you can fix up to four targets. If you're legendary in Crafting, you can fix up to eight targets. This feat has no effect when using Quick Repair or another ability to reduce the time spent Repairing.

PFS StandardPatch Job Feat 4

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 56 2.0
Archetype Vehicle Mechanic
Prerequisites Vehicle Mechanic Dedication

You can patch up damage to an object with a quick fix. You gain the Improvised Repair general feat. When you use Improvised Repair, you can attempt a Crafting check with the same DC as Repair. If you succeed, you can use the object as a normal object of its type until it takes damage rather than as a shoddy object of its type.

PFS StandardSuperior Propulsion Feat 6

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 57 2.0
Archetype Vehicle Mechanic
Prerequisites Vehicle Mechanic Dedication

By experimenting with the effects of momentum gained from your signature vehicle's movement, you have learned to get more from propulsion than just speed when the pilot pushes the vehicle to its limit. Each time the pilot Drives your signature vehicle as a 2- or 3-action activity and succeeds at the Piloting check, the vehicle produces an additional effect, depending on its method of propulsion. If your signature vehicle has more than one propulsion method, the pilot can select which benefit to gain each time they succeed at the Piloting check to Drive the vehicle as a 2- or 3-action activity.

Alchemical The caustic runoff from the alchemical engines is now weaponized. Creatures adjacent to your signature vehicle when it begins its movement take acid damage equal to your level.

Clockwork More resilient gears allow the vehicle to remain functional, even when damaged. If your signature vehicle is broken, it does not need to make the flat check to avoid losing operating time.

Magical The residual magic from your signature vehicle interferes with hostile spells. Pilots, crew, and passengers of the vehicle gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against spells until the start of the pilot's next turn.

Pulled You have eased the amount of effort needed for those pulling your signature vehicle to move it. The vehicle gains a +10 circumstance bonus to its Speed.

Rowed Reinforced ports protect the rowers below decks from harm. Rowers of your signature vehicle who are below decks have greater cover from attacks from outside the vehicle and are not damaged when the vehicle takes collision damage.

Steam The outlet of steam forms a cloud around the vehicle as it moves. For the duration of its movement, your signature vehicle is concealed.

Wind The draft of the wind helps the vehicle turn. During this movement, your signature vehicle can turn normally, rather than needing to move in a straight line as normal for a 2- or 3-action Drive.

PFS StandardEfficient Controls Feat 7

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 57 2.0
Archetype Vehicle Mechanic
Prerequisites Vehicle Mechanic Dedication; master in Crafting

By reducing redundant systems and streamlining essential functions, you have made it easier for the vehicle to operate with fewer crew. Reduce the number of crew required to operate your signature vehicle by 25%. For example, you would reduce a sailing ship from needing 1 pilot and 8 crew to 1 pilot and 6 crew. This adjustment only affects the number of crew needed to operate the vehicle; it doesn't reduce the vehicle's need for a pilot.

PFS StandardImpervious Vehicle Feat 8

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 57 2.0
Archetype Vehicle Mechanic
Prerequisites Vehicle Mechanic Dedication

From armor plating and flexible components, to reinforced materials and backup redundant functionality, you have built safeguards to protect your vehicle from the rigors of combat. Your signature vehicle gains a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and Fortitude saves, and increases its Hit Points by an amount equal to twice your level.

PFS StandardMiraculous Flight Feat 18

Legacy Content

Archetype Magical 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 57 2.0
Archetype Vehicle Mechanic
Prerequisites Vehicle Mechanic Dedication

With superior engineering and magical application, you have freed your signature vehicle from the bonds of gravity, allowing it to soar through the sky like a dragon. The vehicle gains magical propulsion and a fly Speed equal to its fastest current Speed. If your signature vehicle already had a fly Speed, reduce the distance the vehicle needs to make a 90-degree turn to half the usual length (typically half the length of the vehicle).