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PFS StandardMarshal

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 180 2.0
Marshals are leaders, first and foremost. Marshals can come from any class or background, though they all share a willingness to sacrifice their own glory for the greater good of the team. Some marshals lead from the front, sword and shield raised, while others may call instructions and encouragements from the rear while providing allied spellcasters with skilled support. Regardless of their preferred method of combat, marshals' ability to bring the best out in every ally is a valuable addition to any group.

Additional Feats

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 149 2.0
Some archetypes allow other feats beyond those in their entry. These are typically class feats, such as fighter feats that represent certain combat styles. The list of additional feats includes the feat's name, its level, and the page number where it appears. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype's dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class trait doesn't have that class trait.

Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.

PFS StandardMarshal Dedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Archetype Dedication 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 180 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites trained in martial weapons; trained in Diplomacy or Intimidation

You've combined your social skills and combat training to become a talented combat leader. Choose Diplomacy or Intimidation. You become trained in that skill or become an expert if you were already trained in it.

In addition, you're surrounded by a marshal's aura in a 10-foot emanation. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and visual traits and grants you and allies within the aura a +1 status bonus to saving throws against fear.

Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the marshal archetype.

PFS StandardDevrin's Cunning Stance [one-action] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Open Stance 
Source Firebrands pg. 78 2.0
PFS Note The Critical Success effect of Devrin’s Cunning Stance to deny an enemy’s reaction only applies if an ally’s Strike is successful against a flat-footed enemy.
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication; trained in Deception
Access Members of the Firebrands at the rank of second mark or higher have access to this feat.

You've learned Devrin Arlos's guileful ways, and his sly teachings help you remind your allies to keep their wits about them. When you use this action, attempt a Deception check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check.

Critical Success Your marshal's aura increases to a 20-foot emanation, and it grants you and your allies a +1 status bonus to skill checks. When you or an ally in the aura successfully Strike a flat-footed enemy, that enemy can't use reactions until the beginning of its next turn.
Success As critical success, but your aura's size doesn't increase.
Failure You fail to enter the stance.
Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute.

PFS StandardDread Marshal Stance [one-action] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Open Stance 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 180 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication; trained in Intimidation

Putting on a grim face for the battle ahead, you encourage your allies to strike fear into their foes with vicious attacks. When you use this action, attempt an Intimidation check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check.

Critical Success Your marshal's aura increases to a 20-foot emanation, and it grants you and allies a status bonus to damage rolls equal to the number of weapon damage dice of the unarmed attack or weapon you are wielding that has the most weapon damage dice. When you or an ally in the aura critically hits an enemy with a Strike, that enemy is frightened 1.
Success As critical success, but your aura's size doesn't increase.
Failure You fail to enter the stance.
Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute.

PFS StandardInspiring Marshal Stance [one-action] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Open Stance 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 180 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication; trained in Diplomacy

You become a brilliant example of dedication and poise in battle, encouraging your allies to follow suit. When you spend this action, attempt a Diplomacy check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check.

Critical Success Your marshal's aura increases to a 20-foot emanation and grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and saves against mental effects.
Success As critical success, but your aura's size doesn't increase.
Failure You fail to enter the stance.
Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute.

PFS StandardPush Back the Dead! [one-action] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Auditory Emotion Stance 
Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 81
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication
Access Knights of Lastwall have access to this feat.

You call to your ally and strengthen their resolve and abilities to defend against the horrific tricks undead bring to bear. The ally gains a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against effects originating from undead. It also gains resistance to damage from Strikes made by undead creatures equal to half your Charisma modifier.

PFS StandardSnap Out of It! (Marshal) [one-action] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Auditory Emotion Mental 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 180 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication

You give a quick shout, hoping to shake the fog clouding your ally's thoughts. Choose one target ally within your marshal's aura who is affected by a mental effect that allowed a Will save and has a duration of no longer than 1 minute. That ally can immediately attempt a Will save with a +1 circumstance bonus against the effect's DC, ending the effect on a success. This can't end the effect for any creatures other than your target ally. Regardless of the result of the save, your ally is temporarily immune to Snap Out of It! for 10 minutes.

PFS StandardSteel Yourself! [one-action] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Auditory Emotion Mental 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 180 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication

You encourage an ally to toughen up, giving them a fighting chance. Choose one ally within your marshal's aura. The ally gains temporary Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier and a +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves. Both benefits last until the start of your next turn.

PFS StandardCadence Call [one-action] Feat 6

Legacy Content

Archetype Auditory Flourish 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 180 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Frequency once per minute
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication

You call out a quick cadence, guiding your allies into a more efficient rhythm. Each willing ally within your marshal's aura is quickened until the end of their next turn, and they can use the extra action only to Stride. At the end of each ally's turn, if they used the extra action, they then become slowed 1 until the end of their following turn.

PFS StandardRallying Charge [two-actions] Feat 6

Legacy Content

Archetype Open Visual 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 180 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication

Your fearless charge into battle reinvigorates your allies to carry on the fight. You Stride up to your Speed and make a melee Strike. If your Strike hits and damages an enemy, each ally within 60 feet who saw you hit gains temporary Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier. These temporary Hit Points last until the start of your next turn.

PFS StandardAttack of Opportunity [reaction] Feat 8*

Legacy Content

Barbarian Champion Magus Swashbuckler 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 45 1.1, Core Rulebook pg. 90 4.0, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 91 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
* This version of the Attack of Opportunity feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

PFS StandardBack to Back Feat 8

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 181 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication

You excel at watching your allies' backs and helping them watch yours. As long as you and an ally are adjacent to each other, neither of you can become flat-footed due to flanking unless both of you are flanked. If you're adjacent to more than one ally, all eligible allies can benefit at a given time. The benefit is negated for everyone if at least you and any one eligible ally are flanked, but not if your allies are flanked and you aren't.

PFS StandardTo Battle! [one-action] or [two-actions] Feat 8

Legacy Content

Archetype Auditory Flourish 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 181 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication

With a resounding cry, you rally your ally to the offensive. Choose one ally within your marshal's aura who has a reaction available. If you spend 1 action, that ally can use their reaction to immediately Stride. If you spend 2 actions, that ally can use their reaction to immediately Strike.

PFS StandardTopple Foe [reaction] Feat 10

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 181 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication; trained in Athletics
Trigger An ally succeeds at a melee Strike against an opponent you are both adjacent to.

You take advantage of the opening created by your ally to tip your foe off their feet. Attempt an Athletics check to Trip the target of the triggering attack.

PFS StandardCoordinated Charge [two-actions] Feat 12

Legacy Content

Archetype Open Visual 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 181 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication

You heroically dash into the fray, inspiring your allies to follow. You Stride up to your Speed and make a melee Strike. If your Strike hits and damages an enemy, each ally within 60 feet who saw you hit can use a reaction to Stride, but they each must end their Stride closer to the creature you hit than where they started.

PFS StandardTactical Cadence Feat 14

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 181 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Cadence Call

Your remarkable breath control and concise instructions allow you to coordinate your allies more effectively. When you grant allies the quickened condition using Cadence Call, they can use the extra action to either Stride or Strike, and they aren't slowed 1 on their following turn if they use the extra action.

PFS StandardTarget of Opportunity [reaction] Feat 14

Legacy Content

Archetype Manipulate 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 181 2.0
Archetype Marshal
Prerequisites Marshal Dedication
Trigger An ally succeeds at a ranged Strike against an opponent within your weapon's first range increment.
Requirements You have a ranged or thrown weapon in hand.

You capitalize on your ally's attack to create a coordinated barrage. Make a ranged Strike with a –2 penalty against the opponent targeted by the triggering attack. This Strike doesn't count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike. If this Strike is successful, combine the damage from the attack with the damage from your ally's attack for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses.