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PFS StandardVigilante

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 196 2.0
PFS Note All characters have access to the vigilante archetype.

As a vigilante, you have two faces: a public persona, and a secret identity that lets you hide your extralegal actions from polite society. Your secret identity lets you adventure and carry out clandestine missions while keeping the civilians you care about safe. Whatever your purpose— fighting crime, inciting rebellion, sowing chaos—your vigilante identity makes you both hard to pin down and a mysterious, intriguing subject of gossip.

Gray Gardener

The Vigilante Dedication can also provide access to the Gray Gardener set of feats, if you are a member of the Gray Gardener organization. The Gray Gardener archetype contains spoilers for the Night of the Gray Death adventure.

Additional Feats

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 149 2.0
Some archetypes allow other feats beyond those in their entry. These are typically class feats, such as fighter feats that represent certain combat styles. The list of additional feats includes the feat's name, its level, and the page number where it appears. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype's dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class trait doesn't have that class trait.

Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.

PFS StandardVigilante Dedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Dedication 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 196 2.0
Archetypes Gray Gardener, Vigilante
Prerequisites trained in Deception

You have two identities, each with its own name, alignment, and abilities. Your social identity is an upstanding member of society, while your vigilante identity is a skilled and cunning warrior. Neither of these identities is a false front; you really are both of these people, and as such, your two identities can be at most one alignment step from each other (for instance, you could be neutral in one identity and neutral evil in the other, but not chaotic evil in the other). If someone attempts to discern your other identity, they must use a Seek action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the Impersonate action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your other identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover your other identity.

Changing from one identity to the other takes 1 minute and must be done out of sight from other creatures. As this process involves both physical changes such as clothing and makeup along with an altered state of mind, other effects that change your appearance don't reduce the time required to change identities.

Your two identities are completely distinct. You have your current identity's alignment for effects that rely on alignment, though you are eligible for abilities that require a certain alignment (such as a cleric's deity) only if both of your identities qualify. Checks to Recall Knowledge about one of your identities don't reveal information about the other unless the person attempting the check knows both identities are the same person. Effects that detect you based on your identity, such as the detect alignment spell, work only if you are currently in the identity the effect is trying to detect; otherwise, the effect fails as if the target didn't exist.

To maintain the separation between your identities, some of your abilities have one of two traits: social or vigilante. You can use social feats only while in your social identity. Your class feats and vigilante feats are associated with your vigilante identity, and using them while in your social identity risks exposing you as a vigilante. This means that if you were particularly meek or inconspicuous before you took this feat, your identity could be at greater risk of exposure. If your identity is exposed to the public, you lose the benefits of Vigilante Dedication to disguising yourself, but you can otherwise use both social and vigilante abilities in either identity unless they rely on your identity being a secret. You can use feats that don't have either trait regardless of your current identity.

Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the vigilante archetype.

PFS StandardHidden Magic Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 196 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites expert in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion; Vigilante Dedication

You've learned to hide the magical auras of your gear. During your daily preparations, you carefully tweak any or all of your magic items to appear non-magical. Objects adjusted in this way remain so until your next preparations. A spellcaster using detect magic or read aura must succeed at a Perception check against your Deception DC to see through your obfuscations.

PFS StandardMinion Guise Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill Social 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 196 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites animal companion, or familiar; expert in Deception; Vigilante Dedication

When you are in your social identity, you can also grant a social identity to an animal companion, familiar, or other minion you gained from a class feature. When changing to your social identity, you also change your minion's appearance to that of a socially acceptable creature of its type, such as grooming a wolf to appear as a large dog or disguising a familiar to appear as an exotic pet. Commanding your minion to use unusual magical or combat abilities it gained from your class features or feats while in this social identity risks exposing your vigilante identity.

PFS StandardQuick Draw [one-action] Feat 4*

Legacy Content

Gunslinger Ranger Rogue 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 172 4.0, Guns & Gears pg. 112 2.0
Archetypes Alkenstar Agent, Butterfly Blade, Vigilante
* This version of the Quick Draw feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You draw your weapon and attack with the same motion. You Interact to draw a weapon, then Strike with that weapon.

PFS StandardSafe House Feat 4

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 196 2.0
PFS Note A vigilante's Safe House, can be located in any city or near any lodge they have received a Pathfinder briefing. A vigilante can use their downtime to relocate their safe house. A vigilante can use their safe house only if it is in the town or location where their current adventure is taking place.
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication

You establish a safe house—a secure space in which to hide your secrets from the outside world. This safe house is roughly the size of a 10-foot cube. It's in a location you have access to, and it can be part of a larger building or structure, like a hidden room or an underground cave. The safe house protects objects and people inside it from magical detection. This has the effects of nondetection, using your Deception modifier for the counteract DC and half your level rounded up for the counteract level. Setting up or moving your safe house takes a week of downtime. The size of the safe house expands to four 10-foot cubes if you're an expert in Deception, eight cubes if you're a master, and 16 cubes if you're legendary.

PFS StandardSocial Purview Feat 4

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 196 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication

You have built a reputation for yourself in your social identity. Choose one archetype that you meet the prerequisites for. You gain that archetype's dedication feat and can select feats from that archetype, even if you haven't yet gained enough feats in the vigilante archetype to take another dedication feat. These feats become part of your social identity and gain the social trait—for instance, a fighter vigilante could take the wizard dedication feat and have a wizard social identity. Using these feats in your social identity doesn't risk exposing your vigilante identity, but using them in your vigilante identity could put you at risk for exposure.

PFS StandardStartling Appearance (Vigilante) [one-action] Feat 6

Legacy Content

Archetype Emotion Fear Mental Vigilante 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 197 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication
Requirements You are completely unnoticed by the target creature.

You can startle foes who are unaware of your presence. Make a Strike against your target. That creature is flat-footed against this Strike, as normal. If your Strike hits, the target remains flat-footed for the rest of your turn and is frightened 1 (frightened 2 on a critical hit).

PFS StandardQuick Change Feat 7

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 197 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites master in Deception; Vigilante Dedication

You can shift between your identities with ease. Instead of spending 1 minute to change your identity, you can now do so as a 3-action activity. If you are legendary in Deception, you can perform this change as a 1-action activity.

PFS StandardSubjective Truth Feat 7

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 197 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites master in Deception; Vigilante Dedication

Your disparate identities allow you to defeat magic that detects lies. As long as what you say is true from the point of view of your current identity, you can say it even under effects like zone of truth that force you to speak the truth.

PFS StandardMany Guises Feat 8

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 197 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites master in Deception; Vigilante Dedication

You can take on any number of mundane guises. Whenever you change your identity, instead of taking on your social or vigilante identity, you can become someone completely ordinary. This identity isn't a specific individual—rather, you become a nondescript member of your ancestry, of any gender, with a neutral alignment and a mundane occupation such as common laborer, farmer, or peasant. Spells and abilities detect you as if you were this ordinary identity, rather than either of your two real identities, unless they succeed at a counteract check against your Deception DC. You can't use either social abilities or vigilante abilities while in this identity.

PFS LimitedReminder of the Greater Fear [reaction] Feat 8

Legacy Content

Archetype Vigilante 
Source Night of the Gray Death pg. 65
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites master in Intimidation; Vigilante Dedication
Trigger Another creature within 30 feet of you that can see you would gain the frightened condition.

You give a target a stern glower to remind them that it is you, and no one else, they should truly fear. Reduce the value of the frightened condition the creature would take by 1.

PFS StandardFrightening Appearance Feat 12

Legacy Content

Archetype Vigilante 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 197 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites expert in Intimidation; Startling Appearance (Vigilante)

Your dramatic appearances can frighten bystanders. When you make a Startling Appearance, you can also attempt to Demoralize each opponent within 10 feet to whom you were unnoticed before your Strike.

PFS StandardIt Was Me All Along! [one-action] Feat 14

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Fortune Mental 
Source Firebrands pg. 81 2.0
Archetypes Alter Ego, Vigilante
Frequency once per day
Prerequisites Alter Ego Dedication, or Vigilante Dedication
Access Members of the Firebrands at the rank of second mark or higher have access to this feat.
Requirements Your identity is hidden, either by magic or a disguise.

You discard a disguise and dramatically reveal your true identity, catching your foes off guard. If you created your disguise using magic such as with humanoid form or illusory disguise, you immediately Dismiss the spell as a free action. Stride up to your speed and attempt a Deception check to Feint one target within 30 feet. If you succeed, you roll twice and take the better result on your first attack roll against that target this turn.

PFS StandardStunning Appearance Feat 16

Legacy Content

Archetype Vigilante 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 197 2.0
Archetype Vigilante
Prerequisites Startling Appearance (Vigilante)

Your sudden appearance leaves your foe unable to respond. When you use Startling Appearance, if your foe's level is equal to or lower than yours, they are also stunned 1 on a hit, or stunned 2 on a critical hit.