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Set Relics | Relic Aspects | Relic Seeds

Air Gifts | Artistry Gifts | Beast Gifts | Celestial Gifts | Death Gifts | Dragon Gifts | Earth Gifts | Emotion Gifts | Fiend Gifts | Fire Gifts | Forge Gifts | Intelligent Relic Gifts | Life Gifts | Luck Gifts | Metal Gifts | Mind Gifts | Plant Gifts | Shadow Gifts | Soul Gifts | Time Gifts | Water Gifts


Source GM Core pg. 308 2.0
Some extraordinary magic items grow in power along with a character, gaining abilities that add to an adventurer's legend. These are called relics, and owning one can define a character more than any other magic item.

Click here for the full rules on Relics.

Artistry Gifts

FascinatingMinor Gift

Legacy Content

Enchantment Mental 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 198 1.1
Aspect artistry
You gain the Fascinating Performance skill feat while wearing or wielding the relic, even if you don't meet its prerequisites. If you critically succeed against an observer, that target doesn't become temporarily immune to this effect.

InspiringMinor Gift

Legacy Content

Emotion Enchantment Mental 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 198 1.1
Aspect artistry
Activate [one-action] varies; Effect You create a vision (envision) of a token you could have crafted or make a short performance (command) to inspire an ally within 60 feet. This otherwise works as the inspire competence cantrip.

MuseMinor Gift

Legacy Content

Source Treasure Vault pg. 198 1.1
Aspect artistry; Prerequisite The relic is 3rd level or higher.
The relic guides you in your art like a muse, giving you inspirational ideas and providing an item bonus to Crafting or Performance checks. (Choose one. If your relic allows you to do so, you can take this gift again to choose the other.) If the relic is 3rd level or higher, you gain a +1 item bonus. Once the relic attains 9th level, the bonus increases to +2. The bonus increases to +3 when the relic is 17th level.

CharmingMajor Gift

Legacy Content

Auditory Emotion Enchantment Incapacitation Mental 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 198 1.1
Aspect artistry
Activate [two-actions] command, envision; Frequency once per day; Effect You speak briefly about your craft or enact a short performance. The relic casts charm at a level equal to half its own.

EnthrallingMajor Gift

Legacy Content

Auditory Emotion Enchantment 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 198 1.1
Aspect artistry
Activate [two-actions] command, envision; Frequency once per day; Effect You speak at length about or demonstrate your craft, or you enact a performance. The relic casts enthrall at a level equal to half its own. If you have legendary proficiency in Crafting or Performance, creatures can't critically succeed on their saves against this spell. You can use Sustain an Activation to sustain the effect as you would the spell.

Artistic PerfectionGrand Gift

Legacy Content

Source Treasure Vault pg. 198 1.1
Aspect artistry
Your relic enhances your skill with Crafting or Performance. (Choose one.) If you succeed at a check with the chosen skill, you get a critical success instead.