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Gunslinger Details | Gunslinger Feats | Gunslinger Sample Builds | Ways

Gunslinger Ways

Source Guns & Gears pg. 108 2.0
You learn a particular fighting style, known as a way. Your way grants a series of deeds, access to feats, proficiency with a skill, and a special reload action, all of which help shape and influence the way you affect the battlefield. The ways available to all gunslingers are described below.

PFS StandardWay of the Drifter

Source Guns & Gears pg. 108 2.0
You're a wanderer traveling from land to land with your gun and a melee weapon as company. Maybe you learned to fight with blade and pistol as a Shackles pirate, mastered the hand cannon and katana in Minkai, or practiced with a hatchet and clan pistol in Dongun Hold. You win battles by relying on mobility and flexible use of your weapons.

Slinger's Reload Reloading Strike
Deeds Initial Into the Fray; Advanced Finish the Job; Greater Drifter's Wake
Way Skill Acrobatics

Slinger's Reload

Reloading Strike [one-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 108 2.0
Requirements You're wielding a firearm or crossbow in one hand, and your other hand either wields a one-handed melee weapon or is empty.
You make a melee attack and then reload your gun in one fluid movement. Strike an opponent within reach with your one-handed melee weapon (or, if your other hand is empty, with an unarmed attack), and then Interact to reload. You don't need a free hand to reload in this way.

Initial Deed

Into the Fray [free-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 108 2.0
Trigger You roll initiative.
You know trouble can lurk around every corner, and your hands never stray far from your holsters. You can Interact to draw a one-handed ranged weapon and can then Interact to draw a one-handed melee weapon. As your first action on your first turn, you can Stride as a free action toward an enemy you can perceive. If you can't perceive any enemies or can't end your movement closer to one, you can't use this Stride.

Advanced Deed9th

Finish the Job [one-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 108 2.0
Requirements On your last action, you failed (but didn't critically fail) a Strike with a firearm or crossbow you're holding in one hand, and your other hand is either wielding a melee weapon or empty.
Your last attack failed, but it set you up for another. Make a Strike with your other hand, using a one-handed melee weapon or unarmed attack. This Strike uses the same multiple attack penalty as the Strike that failed on the last action. Afterward, increase your multiple attack penalty normally.

Greater Deed15th

Drifter's Wake [three-actions]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 109 2.0
You drift across the battlefield, striking down foes as you go. You Stride, and you can Strike up to three times at any points during your movement. Each attack must target a different enemy and must be made with a one-handed firearm, crossbow, melee weapon, or unarmed attack. Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but your multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until you've made all your attacks. Your movement doesn't trigger reactions.

PFS StandardWay of the Pistolero

Source Guns & Gears pg. 109 2.0
Whether you're a professional duelist or a pistol-twirling entertainer, you have quick feet and quicker hands that never seem to let you down, and an equally sharp wit and tongue that jab your foes. You might leave a hand free or cultivate the ambidexterity for twin weapons. Either way, you stay close enough to your enemies to leverage your superior reflexes while leaving enough space to safely fire.

Slinger's Reload Raconteur's Reload
Deeds Initial Ten Paces; Advanced Pistoler's Retort; Greater Grim Swagger
Way Skill choose Deception or Intimidation

Slinger's Reload

Raconteur's Reload [one-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 109 2.0
Your rapid or forceful words draw the enemy's attention away from your hands long enough to chamber another bullet. Interact to reload and then attempt a Deception check to Create a Diversion or an Intimidation check to Demoralize.

Initial Deed

Ten Paces [free-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 109 2.0
Trigger You roll initiative.
You react to trouble with lightning speed, positioning yourself just right. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your initiative roll, and you can Interact to draw a one-handed firearm or one-handed crossbow. As your first action on your first turn, you can Step up to 10 feet as a free action.

Advanced Deed9th

Pistoler's Retort [reaction]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 109 2.0
Trigger A foe within the first range increment of the one-handed firearm or one-handed crossbow you're wielding critically fails an attack roll against you.
Requirements You're wielding a one-handed firearm or one-handed crossbow.
You punish your foe's failure with a shot. Make a Strike against the triggering foe with a one-handed firearm or one-handed crossbow.

Greater Deed15th

Grim Swagger [two-actions]

Auditory Emotion Fear Gunslinger Linguistic Mental 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 109 2.0
Requirements You have a one-handed firearm or one-handed crossbow visibly worn or wielded.
You attempt to clear the room by promising a grim fate to anyone who doesn't do what you say, and quickly. Attempt a Deception or Intimidation check against the Will DCs of each creature within 30 feet, except for your allies. Regardless of whether you succeed or fail, each subject is temporarily immune to your Grim Swagger for 10 minutes.

For example, if you attempt a Deception check, you lie and boast about your prowess or the large group of friends on their way to back you up. If you attempt an Intimidation check, you promise everyone in the room that you're going to be the last thing they see.

Critical Success The creature becomes frightened 3. If it's lower level than you, it's also fleeing for 1 round.
Success The creature becomes frightened 2.

PFS StandardWay of the Sniper

Source Guns & Gears pg. 109 2.0
You practice a style of shooting that relies on unerring accuracy and perfect placement of your first shot. You keep hidden or at a distance, staying out of the fray and bringing unseen death to your foes.

Slinger's Reload Covered Reload
Deeds Initial One Shot, One Kill; Advanced Vital Shot; Greater Ghost Shot
Way Skill Stealth

Slinger's Reload

Covered Reload [one-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 109 2.0
You duck into a safe position or minimize your profile while reloading to make your next attack. Either Take Cover or attempt to Hide, then Interact to reload. As normal, you must meet the requirements to Take Cover or Hide; you must be prone, benefiting from cover, or near a feature that allows you to Take Cover, and you need to be benefiting from cover or concealed to a creature to Hide from that creature.

Initial Deed

One Shot, One Kill [free-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 110 2.0
Trigger You roll Stealth for initiative.
Your first shot is the deadliest. Interact to draw a firearm or crossbow. On your first turn, your first Strike with that weapon deals an additional 1d6 precision damage. This precision damage increases to 2d6 at 9th level and 3d6 at 15th level.

Advanced Deed9th

Vital Shot [two-actions]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 110 2.0
Your careful shot against an unsuspecting opponent pierces a vital artery or organ. Make a ranged Strike. If the target is flat-footed, the Strike deals an extra die of weapon damage, and the foe takes persistent bleed damage equal to the amount of precision damage from your One Shot, One Kill.

Greater Deed15th

Ghost Shot [one-action]

Flourish Gunslinger 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 110 2.0
Make a firearm or crossbow Strike. If you're hidden from or undetected by the target, the Strike adds the additional precision damage from One Shot, One Kill; if you would already receive that additional damage on the Strike, the effects aren't cumulative. If you were undetected or unnoticed by any creatures, you're now hidden from them instead, as the origin of the attack is clear.

PFS StandardWay of the Spellshot

Source Guns & Gears pg. 140 2.0
Prerequisites: Must be a gunslinger.

You've learned the intricacies of magic and technology, blending the two together with deadly results. You combine a knowledge of arcane theories with a strong connection to your chosen weapon that allows you to manifest unique effects, though your knowledge doesn't extend as far as actual spellcasting. You can imbue energy into your weapon and conjure bullets from thin air. As you progress, you eventually learn to phase bullets through walls or even to teleport yourself along the path of your bullets.

You must select Spellshot Dedication from the Spellshot archetype as your 2nd-level class feat.

Slinger's Reload Thoughtful Reload
Deeds Initial Energy Shot; Advanced Recall Ammunition; Greater Dispelling Bullet
Way Skill Arcana

Slinger's Reload

Thoughtful Reload [one-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 140 2.0
As you sink deep into a state of analytical calm and focus on the foe before you, your hands reload a bullet instinctively. Attempt a Recall Knowledge check against an opponent you can see and then Interact to reload.

Initial Deed

Energy Shot [free-action]

Evocation Magical Spellshot 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 140 2.0
Trigger You roll initiative.
You unleash a small surge of magical energy into your weapon, shrouding the bullet with potential energy and granting it the ability to deal energy damage to your foes to exploit their weaknesses. You can Interact to draw a ranged weapon. On your first three Strikes of this encounter with a firearm or crossbow, you deal an additional 1 acid, cold, fire or electricity damage per weapon damage die. You choose which damage type to deal as part of making each Strike.

Advanced Deed9th

Recall Ammunition [reaction]

Conjuration Magical Spellshot Teleportation 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 140 2.0
Trigger You miss with a firearm or crossbow Strike while using an ordinary level-0 bolt or bullet
You amplify the connection between bullet and firearm, calling your missed shot back into your gun. The ammunition you just fired is reloaded back into your gun and immediately ready to fire again.

Greater Deed15th

Dispelling Bullet [two-actions]

Abjuration Magical Spellshot 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 140 2.0
You imprint a bullet with a field of abjuration built upon your magical signature, disrupting the magic of whatever it hits. Make a firearm or crossbow Strike against a foe you can see. If you hit, you attempt to counteract a spell effect active on the target (your choice, or the highest-level effect if you don't choose). Your counteract level is equal to half your level (rounded up), and your counteract check modifier is equal to your class DC – 10.

PFS StandardWay of the Triggerbrand

Source Impossible Lands pg. 107
You prefer firearms that work well as weapons in both melee and ranged combat, particularly those that allow you to exercise a bit of style and flair. You might be a survivor who cobbled your weapon together from the City of Smog's street scrap or a noble wielder of a master smith's bespoke commission for duels among Alkenstar's elite. In addition to the combination weapons presented in Pathfinder Guns & Gears, you gain access to the triggerbrand combination weapon.

Slinger's Reload Touch and Go
Deeds Initial Spring the Trap; Advanced Wind them Up; Greater Break Them Down
Way Skill Thievery

Slinger's Reload

Touch and Go [one-action]

Source Impossible Lands pg. 108
Requirements You're wielding a combination weapon.
Your body's shadows mask your hands' steel. You can Step toward an enemy, you can Interact to change your weapon between melee or ranged modes, and you then Interact to reload.

Initial Deed

Spring the Trap [free-action]

Source Impossible Lands pg. 108
Trigger You roll initiative.
You can Interact to draw a combination weapon and set it to melee or ranged mode. On your first turn, your movement and ranged attacks don't trigger reactions that are normally triggered by movement or a ranged attack (such as Attack of Opportunity).

Advanced Deed9th

Wind them Up [two-actions]

Source Impossible Lands pg. 108
Should foes parry your blade or dodge your bullets? Neither— they should be watching their purse. Make a melee Strike with your combination weapon, and then attempt a Thievery check with a –5 penalty to Steal from your target; you can't Steal closely guarded objects or objects that would take a long time to pilfer. You don't need a free hand to attempt to Steal something in this manner. If your Thievery check succeeds, the target is flat-footed against your ranged attacks until the start of your next turn, and you don't trigger reactions that are normally triggered by movement or a ranged attack. These effects occur even if your target has no objects to Steal.

Greater Deed15th

Break Them Down [two-actions]

Source Impossible Lands pg. 108
Your foes are but dross from which you carve and shoot your legend. Make a melee Strike and then a ranged Strike with a combination weapon, both against the same enemy; you don't need to change modes to do so. If the melee Strike hits, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the attack roll with the ranged Strike. Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but your multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until you've made both attacks. If both Strikes hit, you deal an additional 2d6 persistent bleed damage to the enemy, and they're dazzled until this persistent bleed damage ends.

PFS StandardWay of the Vanguard

Source Guns & Gears pg. 110 2.0
You practice a unique combat style originated by dwarven siege engineers, using heavy weapons with wide attack areas to blast holes through enemy lines, clear an opening for your allies, and defend the conquered territory.

Slinger's Reload Clear a Path
Deeds Initial Living Fortification; Advanced Spinning Crush; Greater Siegebreaker
Way Skill Athletics

Slinger's Reload

Clear a Path [one-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 110 2.0
Requirements You're wielding a two-handed firearm or two-handed crossbow.
You push outward with your weapon to clear some space before quickly reloading a fresh round. You make an Athletics check to Shove an opponent within your reach using your weapon, then Interact to reload. For this Shove, you don't need a free hand, and you add the weapon's item bonus on attack rolls (if any) to the Athletics check. If your last action was a ranged Strike with the weapon, use the same multiple attack penalty as that Strike for the Shove; the Shove still counts toward your multiple attack penalty on further attacks as normal.

Initial Deed

Living Fortification [free-action]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 110 2.0
Trigger You roll initiative.
You can posture defensively with firearms or crossbows, acting like a walking tower. Interact to draw a firearm or crossbow. You then position that weapon defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your first turn, or a +2 circumstance bonus if the chosen weapon has the parry trait.

Advanced Deed9th

Spinning Crush [three-actions]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 110 2.0
Requirements You're wielding a loaded firearm or loaded crossbow.
You go into a vicious spin, smashing your weapon into those nearby and increasing your momentum by firing. All creatures adjacent to you take 4d6 bludgeoning damage plus your Strength modifier; this increases to 6d6 if your firearm has a striking rune, 8d6 if it has a greater striking rune, and 10d6 if it has a major striking rune. This ability does not apply other effects that increase damage with your firearm Strikes such as weapon specialization. Creatures affected by this attack must attempt a basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is also pushed 10 feet directly away from you.

Greater Deed15th

Siegebreaker [two-actions]

Source Guns & Gears pg. 110 2.0
Requirements You're wielding a firearm that has the kickback or scatter trait, or a two-handed crossbow.
With unbelievable force, you charge and smash your weapon into a target before digging in your heels and pulling the trigger. Leap or Stride, then make a Strike with the required firearm or crossbow against an adjacent target. This Strike deals an additional 3d8 bludgeoning damage and ignores 10 points of the target's Hardness (if any), or of their shield's Hardness if the target uses Shield Block.

After the Strike, you become immobilized and position the required weapon defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC, or a +2 circumstance bonus if the chosen weapon has the parry trait. Both effects last until the start of your next turn. If a force would move you while you're immobilized in this way, it must succeed at an appropriate check against your class DC.