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Falling BridgeHazard 3

Legacy Content

Mechanical Trap 
Source Pathfinder #187: The Seventh Arch pg. 27
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 23 (trained)
Description The frayed ropes on both sides of this bridge snap when enough weight is put on the bridge’s center.
Disable DC 20 Survival (trained) to reinforce and secure the ropes on one side of the bridge
AC 10, Fort +1, Ref +1
Rope HP 6 (BT 3); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Collapse Brdige [reaction] Trigger A Medium or larger creature steps onto the middle of the bridge (any of the squares marked “T” on the map); Effect The ropes on both sides of the bridge snap simultaneously, causing the bridge to collapse. Any creature on the bridge falls to the forest floor 50 feet below and takes 25 bludgeoning damage. A creature within 10 feet of one end of the bridge can attempt a DC 18 Reflex saving throw to Grab a Ledge along the side of either A8 or A13.
If one side of the bridge has been disabled by resecuring the ropes, a character on any section of the bridge can attempt a DC 18 Reflex save to hang onto the bridge as one side of it falls. The dangling bridge thereafter functions as a ladder connecting either area A8 or A13 (whichever was secured) to the forest floor.