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PFS StandardShadowcaster

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 226 2.0
The world is full of shadows, but each living creature possesses a form of inner light to ward against that ever-present darkness… all except shadowcasters. By trading away that piece of their spirit, shadowcasters have removed a limiter, allowing them to gain magical power rooted in the darkness; however, this trade also exposes them to otherworldly whispers from the realms of shadow.

Click here for more rules on using this archetype.

Additional Feats

Source Player Core pg. 215 2.0
Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level, which might be different than normal when gained from the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.

Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.

PFS StandardShadowcaster Dedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Dedication 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 226 2.0
Archetype Shadowcaster
Prerequisites ability to cast spells

You've sacrificed a piece of your spirit, allowing the powers of shadow into your being and changing the nature of your magic. You can no longer cast spells that have the light trait; if an ability, such as a class feature or ancestry feat, would automatically grant you a light spell, such as the Domain Initiate feat granting you the dazzling flash spell, you don't gain that spell.

You gain the cloak of shadow domain spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell. This feat grants a focus pool of 1 Focus Point that you can recover using the Refocus activity. You can Refocus by meditating to siphon power from the Shadow Plane and refill your focus pool. Your domain spells from the shadowcaster archetype are of the same tradition as the spells you used to meet the shadowcaster archetype's prerequisites.

Special You can't select another dedication feat until you've gained two other feats from the shadowcaster archetype.

PFS StandardFamiliar Feat 4*

Legacy Content

Magus Sorcerer Thaumaturge Wizard 
Source Dark Archive pg. 42, Core Rulebook pg. 198 4.0, Secrets of Magic pg. 42 2.0
Archetypes Elementalist, Shadowcaster, Soul Warden
* This version of the Familiar feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You make a pact with a creature that serves you and assists your spellcasting. You gain a familiar.

PFS StandardShadow Spells Feat 4

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 226 2.0
Archetype Shadowcaster
Prerequisites Shadowcaster Dedication

Hidden darkness whispers to you, teaching you secrets of shadow beyond other spellcasters of your tradition. Add replicate, shadow army,shadow blast, shadow projectile, shadow raid, shadow siphon, and shadow walk to your spell list. You can thus potentially learn these spells even if they aren't normally on your tradition's spell list.

PFS StandardDisciple of Shade Feat 6

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 226 2.0
Archetype Shadowcaster
Prerequisites Shadowcaster Dedication

You've delved deeper into the mysteries of shadow and become blessed with magical power that increases your skills in the arts of deception and persuasion. You gain the inscrutable mask domain spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

PFS StandardEnhanced Familiar Feat 6*

Legacy Content

Druid Magus Sorcerer Thaumaturge Witch Wizard 
Source Dark Archive pg. 43, Core Rulebook pg. 134 4.0, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 102 2.0, Secrets of Magic pg. 42 2.0
Archetypes Elementalist, Familiar Master, Shadowcaster
Prerequisites a familiar
* This version of the Enhanced Familiar feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You infuse your familiar with additional magical energy. You can select four familiar or master abilities each day, instead of two.

(Wizard) If your arcane thesis is improved familiar attunement, your familiar's base number of familiar abilities, before adding any extra abilities from the arcane thesis, is four.
(Witch) Add the bonus familiar abilities you gain for being a witch to this amount.

PFS StandardShadow Spell [one-action] Feat 8

Legacy Content

Archetype Metamagic Shadow 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 226 2.0
Archetype Shadowcaster
Prerequisites Shadowcaster Dedication

You attach a piece of your shadow to a spell to cloud the senses and cause mischief. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell that has the shadow trait, choose one creature affected by the spell. This creature either gains a +2 status bonus to Stealth or takes a –2 status penalty to Perception (your choice). This lasts for 1 round. This choice and the effect occur after resolving any checks for the spell's initial effects. If the chosen creature is your enemy, it's affected only if your spell attack roll succeeded or if it failed its saving throw.

The effects of Shadow Spell end if you use Shadow Spell again.

PFS StandardShadow Reservoir Feat 10

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 226 2.0
Archetype Shadowcaster
Prerequisites ability to cast spells from spell slots; Shadowcaster Dedication

Your own shadow speaks to you, providing knowledge of spells and a reservoir of magical power. Your shadow reservoir contains a single spell of each spell level at least 2 levels lower than the highest-level spell you can cast from your spell slots. This spell must come from your spell list, you must have access to it, and it must require a spell attack roll or a saving throw. These spells don't need to be prepared and aren't in your repertoire.

Regardless of the way in which you cast spells, you can spontaneously cast a spell from your shadow reservoir by using one of your spell slots of the same level. If you're a prepared spellcaster, you lose the spell you prepared in that slot.

Spells cast from your shadow reservoir gain the shadow trait, and affected creatures might be able to disbelieve them. If the spell requires an attack roll, use the higher of the target's AC or their Will DC. If the spell requires a saving throw, the target uses their Will saving throw or the spell's normal saving throw, whichever is higher. Each time a creature fails its saving throw against a spell cast from your reservoir, you gain a small tattoo inked on your flesh out of pure shadowstuff.

If you have more than one source of spells you can cast with spell slots, such as if you're a spellcaster with a multiclass archetype, choose one source of spells for your shadow reservoir.

PFS StandardSecrets of Shadow Feat 12

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 226 2.0
Archetype Shadowcaster
Prerequisites Shadow Reservoir

Your shadow's voice grows ever clearer; it whispers secrets of true power to you and shields your flesh from harm. Your shadow reservoir gains an additional spell 1 level below the highest level spell you can cast, in addition to the spells it already contains for all the levels below that.

In addition, the tattoos generated by casting shadow spells protect your body against harmful energies. You gain negative resistance equal to the highest level of spell you can cast from spell slots; if you have negative healing (or are otherwise harmed by positive damage and not negative damage), you instead gain positive resistance in the same amount.

PFS StandardShadow Magic Feat 12*

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 192 2.0
Archetypes Shadowcaster, Shadowdancer
Prerequisites Shadowdancer Dedication
* This version of the Shadow Magic feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You gain the ability to fuse and play with shadows by using focus spells specific to shadowdancers. You learn a shadowdancer focus spell of your choice: dance of darkness or shadow jump. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by meditating within an area of dim light or darkness. The rules for focus spells appear here.

Shadowdancer focus spells are occult spells. You become trained in occult spell attack rolls and spell DCs, and your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma.

PFS StandardAdditional Shadow Magic Feat 14*

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 192 2.0
Archetypes Shadowcaster, Shadowdancer
Prerequisites Shadow Magic
* This version of the Additional Shadow Magic feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

Choose an additional shadowdancer focus spell you haven't already selected from Shadow Magic. Increase the number of Focus Points in your pool by 1.

PFS StandardShadow Illusion Feat 14*

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 192 2.0
Archetypes Shadowcaster, Shadowdancer
Prerequisites Shadow Magic
* This version of the Shadow Illusion feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

With an artful eye, you shape shadows into illusory forms. You gain the shadow illusion focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your pool by 1. You become an expert in occult spell attack rolls and DCs.

PFS StandardUnending Emptiness Feat 14

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 226 2.0
Archetype Shadowcaster
Prerequisites focus pool; Shadowcaster Dedication

You pool the power of shadow within your eyes, gaining the ability to gather darkness into a turbulent orb of crushing emptiness within your line of sight. You gain the darklight domain spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

PFS StandardShadow Power Feat 16*

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 192 2.0
Archetypes Shadowcaster, Shadowdancer
Prerequisites Shadow Magic
* This version of the Shadow Power feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You can focus the shadows into a powerful blast. You can cast shadow blast as an innate occult spell once per day. Its level is always 1 level lower than the level of your shadowdancer focus spells. You become an expert in occult spell attack rolls and DCs.