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Wovenwood ShieldItem 4+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Abjuration Magical 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 81
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
Base Shield Wooden Shield
This magically reinforced wooden shield is made by skilled Ekujae mages, who've developed unique spells for reinforcing wood collected from their forests. Each shield is embossed with the signatures of the mage and artisan who crafted it.

PFS StandardWovenwood Shield (Minor)Item 4

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 81
Price 85 gp
Bulk 1
This shield has Hardness 5, Hit Points 40, and Broken Threshold 20.

PFS StandardWovenwood Shield (Lesser)Item 7

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 81
Price 305 gp
Bulk 1
This shield has Hardness 8, Hit Points 64, and Broken Threshold 32.

PFS StandardWovenwood Shield (Moderate)Item 10

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 81
Price 850 gp
Bulk 1
This shield has Hardness 10, Hit Points 80, and Broken Threshold 40.

PFS StandardWovenwood Shield (Greater)Item 13

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 81
Price 2,550 gp
Bulk 1
This shield has Hardness 13, Hit Points 104, and Broken Threshold 52.

PFS StandardWovenwood Shield (Major)Item 16

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 81
Price 8,500 gp
Bulk 1
This shield has Hardness 15, Hit Points 120, and Broken Threshold 60.

PFS StandardWovenwood Shield (True)Item 19

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 81
Price 34,000 gp
Bulk 1
This shield has Hardness 17, Hit Points 136, and Broken Threshold 68.