All Equipment | All Item Bonuses
Adjustments | Adventuring Gear | Alchemical Items | Animals and Gear | Apex Items | Armor | Artifacts | Assistive Items | Basic Magic Weapons | Blighted Boons | Censer | Consumables | Contracts | Cursed Items | Customizations | Figurehead | Grafts | Grimoires | Held Items | High-Tech | Intelligent Items | Materials | Other | Relics | Runes | Services | Shields | Siege Weapons | Snares | Spellhearts | Staves | Structures | Tattoos | Trade Goods | Vehicles | Wands | Weapons | Worn Items

Base Weapons (Critical Specializations) | Basic Magic Weapons | Beast Guns | Precious Material Weapons | Specific Magic Weapons


Source Player Core pg. 283 2.0
Choose one creature adjacent to the initial target and within reach. If its AC is lower than your attack roll result for the critical hit, you deal damage to that creature equal to the result of the weapon damage die you rolled (including extra dice for its striking rune, if any). This amount isn't doubled, and no bonuses or other additional dice apply to this damage.

Weapons Adze, Battle Axe, Battle Saddle, Boarding Axe, Butchering Axe, Dwarven Waraxe, Greataxe, Hand Adze, Hatchet, Mambele, Orc Necksplitter, Palstave