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PFS LimitedSoulforger

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
Your devotion to a cause unifies your soul with an armament tethered to the very essence of your spirit.

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PFS LimitedSoulforger Dedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Dedication 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
Archetype Soulforger
Prerequisites Wisdom 14, or ability to cast divine spells

You can manifest the power of your spirit in combat to realize your motivations. You manifest an armor, shield, or weapon as a soulforged armament. Choose one essence power for the armament (below). Changing an essence power requires 1 week of retraining, and you can't retrain it while you have soulforged corruption.

You can Manifest Soulforged Armament to summon your armaments in combat.

Manifest Soulforged Armament [one-action] (concentrate, conjuration, divine, extradimensional) Requirements If summoning a weapon or shield, you have the hands free to wield it; if summoning armor, you aren't wearing any armor; Effect You immediately wield or wear the soulforged armament bound to you. The soulforged armament remains manifested until you Dismiss this effect.

Once per day when you use this ability, you can manifest the armament's essence form. You gain the armament's essence power until it's Dismissed. After 1 minute, the essence form armament is automatically Dismissed.

Special You can't select another dedication feat before gaining two other feats from this archetype.

PFS LimitedSoul Flare [reaction] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Concentrate 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
Archetype Soulforger
Prerequisites Soulforger Dedication
Trigger An attack you made with a soulforged weapon or shield misses a creature, or a creature hits you with an attack while you're either wearing manifested soulforged armor or have your soulforged shield raised.
Requirements Your soulforged armament is manifested.

You strive to change the outcome with sheer zeal. You gain a +1 status bonus to your attack roll if making an attack or to your AC if you were hit. This can change the outcome of the roll. If this bonus turns your missed attack into a hit or the hit against you into a miss, attempt a DC 5 flat check. If you fail, your soulforged armament is Dismissed—your weapon if you attacked or your armor or shield if you were defending.

PFS LimitedRapid Manifestation [free-action] Feat 6

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
Archetype Soulforger
Prerequisites Soulforger Dedication
Trigger You roll initiative or a hazard attacks you.

Your unwavering soul brings up your defenses as soon as you're in danger. You Manifest your Soulforged Armament.

PFS LimitedSoul Arsenal Feat 6

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
Archetype Soulforger
Prerequisites Soulforger Dedication

Choose an additional soulforged armament of a different type than the type you already chose, and choose one essence power for it. Upgrade and change armaments individually.

When you Manifest Soulforged Armament, you can summon any number of your armaments (you must meet the Requirements for each), and when you Dismiss the effect, you can choose to Dismiss some and not others. You can choose to manifest the essence form of any number of your armaments when you take the action. Each armament can manifest its essence form only once per day.

When you gain soulforged corruption, choose one armament's corruption flaw to affect you for stage 1. At stage 2, you take the flaws of all your soulforged armaments. While you have the curse, each armament gets a separate flat check to manifest its essence form, and failing prevents you from manifesting only that armament's essence form.

Special You can select this feat a second time at 12th level or higher, choosing the final item type.

Essence Powers

Your soulforged armament has an essence power you choose when you first bind it. It gains the power temporarily when you manifest its essence form. Each power has a corruption flaw that affects you if you have soulforged corruption. Essence powers that only apply to some types of armament indicate which.

Adaptable Persona

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
Armor only. When you manifest the essence form, gain your choice of a climb Speed or swim Speed equal to your land Speed. If you're 8th level or higher, you can choose a fly Speed instead.
Corruption Flaw You take a –10-foot penalty to all your Speeds.

Bounding Spirit

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
Melee weapon only. The weapon gains the thrown 30 feet trait and has the returning rune (even if it already has its maximum number of property runes).
Corruption Flaw When you make a Strike with a thrown or ranged weapon and miss, reroll the Strike, targeting your ally nearest to the target. This Strike uses the same multiple attack penalty as the missed Strike and doesn't count toward your multiple attack penalty.

Deep-Seeded Fear

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
You gain a +2 status bonus to your Intimidation checks and don't take any penalties for not sharing a language when Demoralizing foes who can perceive your armament's essence form. When you manifest the essence form, you can attempt to Demoralize an enemy who can perceive the manifestation.
Corruption Flaw If you attempt to Demoralize an enemy, your Demoralize also targets the ally closest to you.

Determined Toughness

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 236 2.0
Any status penalties you take from the following conditions are 1 less than their condition's value: clumsy, drained, enfeebled, frightened, sickened, stupefied. This doesn't change the actual condition value, or any other effects of the condition (such as stupefied's disruption and its DC).
Corruption Flaw Whenever you take a status penalty from the listed conditions, you also take a –1 penalty to the same statistics.

Harmful Malice

Necromancy Negative 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
Your Strikes deal an additional 1d4 negative damage. Once while the armament is manifested, you can cast harm as an innate spell, with a level equal to half your level rounded up.
Corruption Flaw Reduce any damage you would deal by half your level.

Healing Grace

Healing Necromancy Positive 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
You gain fast healing equal to half your level. You can cast heal once as an innate spell with a level equal to half your level rounded up.
Corruption Flaw Reduce all healing you would receive or grant with a spell by half your level.

Heroic Heart

Enchantment Mental 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
You gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception checks, skill checks, and saves.
Corruption Flaw You take a –1 penalty to attack rolls.

Magical Resilience

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
Armor or shield only. You gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws and AC against spells. If you're 5th level or higher, you can cast dispel magic once as an innate spell. The spell level is equal to 1 lower than half your level rounded up (2nd level if you're 5th or 6th level, and so on).
Corruption Flaw You take a –1 penalty to saving throws and AC against spells.

Planar Bond

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
Armor or shield only. When you manifest the essence form, choose one damage type: acid, chaotic, cold, electricity, evil, fire, good, lawful, negative, positive, or sonic. You gain resistance equal to your level + 2 to damage of the selected type.
Corruption Flaw You gain weakness 1 to all damage.

Planar Pain

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
Weapon only. When you manifest the essence form, choose one damage type: acid, chaotic, cold, electricity, evil, fire, good, lawful, negative, positive, or sonic. Attacks with the weapon deal this type of damage instead of their physical damage with a +2 status bonus to the damage.
Corruption Flaw When you deal damage with a weapon or unarmed attack, you take 2 damage of the last type you chose for planar pain, even if the damage type normally wouldn't harm you, such as good damage if you aren't evil.

Pull of Stasis

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
Weapon only. Any time you hit with the soulforged weapon, the target takes a –10-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. On a critical hit, the creature is immobilized for 1 round instead.
Corruption Flaw You take a –10-foot penalty to all your Speeds.

Reflecting Spirit

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
Armor or shield only. You gain a +2 status bonus to AC against physical ranged attacks. If an enemy's physical ranged attack misses you, you can use your reaction to immediately attempt a ranged Strike against the attacker using the projectile that missed.
Corruption Flaw You have weakness 5 to physical ranged attacks.

Resolute Defiance

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 237 2.0
Shield only. The shield gains a +2 status bonus to its Hardness and gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level + 2 that last until the essence effect ends. If you don't have the Shield Block reaction, you gain it while your shield is manifested.
Corruption Flaw When you take damage while Raising a Shield or use Shield Block, attempt a DC 5 flat check. If you fail, the shield is Dismissed if it's your soulforged armament or Dropped if it's a different shield.