ReanimatorLegacy Content
Source Book of the Dead pg. 34Most cultures revere the bodies of the deceased, laying to rest the mortal remains of their companions according to tradition formed generations before. Such customs assume a common conclusion: once the spirit that inhabited it has gone on to the Boneyard, the empty shell of a corpse has no purpose beyond its eventual return to the elements that formed it. You know differently. As the vessels that once housed immortal souls, corpses hold great power and potential, perfect construction materials for creations of unsurpassed wonder. As a reanimator, you have chosen to focus your study of the necromantic arts on the transformation of dead flesh into innumerable varieties of undead, from the lowliest shuffling corpses and brittle skeletons to abominations of ghastly splendor barely conceived of by only the most fanatical—or brilliant— mortal minds.
Additional Feats
Source Player Core pg. 215 2.0Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level, which might be different than normal when gained from the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.
Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.
Legacy Content
Archetype Dedication Source Book of the Dead pg. 34Archetype ReanimatorPrerequisites able to cast
animate dead with a spell slot
You have dedicated your studies to the art of raising and commanding undead. If you're a spontaneous spellcaster with
animate dead in your repertoire, it becomes a signature spell in addition to your usual signature spells. If you're a prepared spellcaster with
animate dead in your spells known, spellbook, or the like, you can spend 10 minutes contemplating undeath to replace one of the spells you've prepared in your spell slots with an animate dead spell of the same level. In addition, if you're able to target the mostly intact remains of an appropriate type of dead creature when casting
animate dead, the undead you animate gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, AC, saving throws, and skill checks for the duration of
animate dead.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the reanimator archetype.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Aura Cleric Necromancy Oracle Wizard Source Book of the Dead pg. 33Archetype ReanimatorPrerequisites able to create or control
cleric with a negative font,
oracle of
bones, or
necromancer wizard
Your presence has a bolstering effect on your undead
minions. Undead creatures under your control and within a 30-foot emanation around you gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws to resist
positive damage and to Will saving throws to resist effects that would make them
Special This feat has the trait matching your spellcasting tradition.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Book of the Dead pg. 34Archetype ReanimatorPrerequisites Reanimator Dedication
No means of creating or ruling the undead is beyond your grasp, even those of magical traditions not your own. You learn either the
eyes of the dead or
subjugate undead focus spell. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by meditating over the earthly remains of a dead sentient creature. The rules for focus spells appear
here. Focus spells granted by the reanimator archetype are from the same tradition as those used to meet the archetype's prerequisite.
Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time, you learn a different spell and your focus pool increases by 1 Focus Point.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Source Book of the Dead pg. 34Archetype ReanimatorPrerequisites Reanimator Dedication; expert in
Occultism, or
Any necromancer can create
zombie and
skeleton, but you know the secrets behind the creation of far more advanced undead monstrosities. You learn the
create undead rituals to create two types of common
undead for which you meet the prerequisites. (Your GM might give you access to additional types of undead.) You can't teach these rituals to anyone else and you can't participate in either ritual while allowing someone else to serve as the primary caster unless they also know the ritual. When you reach a new level, you can change either or both of these rituals to a different type of undead for which you now meet the prerequisites.
When acting as primary caster, you can perform all
create undead rituals in 4 hours instead of 1 day and you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your primary check. You can also perform the ritual without the aid of a secondary caster, in which case you attempt the secondary check.
Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time, you learn the rituals to create two more types of undead creatures.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Book of the Dead pg. 35Archetype ReanimatorFrequency once per day
Prerequisites Reanimator DedicationRequirements You have cast
animate dead this turn.
You sway with the motions of your spells that animate the dead, channeling your power to sustain two at the same time. You Sustain your previous casting of
animate dead, binding the necromantic energy of the two spells together with metaphysical twine. On subsequent rounds, you can Sustain both
animate dead spells with a single action to Sustain the Spell. This benefit lasts until either of the spells ends.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Book of the Dead pg. 35Archetype ReanimatorPrerequisites Deathly Secrets
Your undead secrets grow stronger still. You learn either the
malignant sustenance or
grasping grave focus spell. Your focus pool increases by 1 point.
Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time, you learn a different spell and your focus pool increases by 1 Focus Point.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Source Book of the Dead pg. 35Archetype ReanimatorPrerequisites Deathly Secrets
You have reached the pinnacle of the reanimator's craft: the ability to raise nearly any corpse or skeleton as a gruesome mockery of the creature it once was. You learn the
shambling horror focus spell. Your focus pool increases by 1 Focus Point.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Cleric Necromancy Oracle Wizard Source Book of the Dead pg. 33Archetype ReanimatorPrerequisites ability to create or control
cleric with a negative font,
oracle of
bones, or
necromancer wizard
Necromantic energy demonstrates your power over undead, creating a demeanor that commands their fear and respect. Undead creatures can immediately sense your Necromancer's Visage and tend to act accordingly. If you take a
hostile action against an undead creature, it becomes permanently immune to your Necromancer's Visage, and your Necromancer's Visage ends. You can spend 10 minutes to restore your Necromancer's Visage, though any creatures that became permanently immune remain so.
Each time an undead creature 2 or more levels lower than you attacks you, it must attempt a Will save against your spell DC. If you're also affected by
sanctuary or a similar effect, only one affects the attacker (you choose which).
Critical Success The creature is permanently immune to your Necromancer's Visage.
Success The creature can attempt its attack and any other attacks against you this turn.
Failure The creature can't attack you and wastes the action. It can't attempt further attacks against you this turn.
Critical Failure The creature wastes the action and can't attempt to attack you as long as your Necromancer's Visage persists.
Special This feat has the trait matching your spellcasting tradition.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Cleric Concentrate Metamagic Necromancy Oracle Wizard Source Book of the Dead pg. 33Archetype ReanimatorPrerequisites ability to create or control
cleric with a negative font,
oracle of
bones, or
necromancer wizardRequirements You have at least one undead
minion that you permanently control.
You repurpose the negative energy that flows through your minions at a moment's notice. Instantly destroy one undead minion within 60 feet that is permanently under your control. If your next action is to cast a
necromancy spell from a spell slot, you don't expend the slot. The spell's level must be half the destroyed minion's level or lower and the spell can't have a duration.
Special This feat has the trait matching your spellcasting tradition.