Time MageLegacy Content
Source Dark Archive pg. 184Magic leaves its brand on those who practice it. The veteran pyromancer bears the scorch marks of lessons learned. The archdruid grows to resemble plants or animals in their domain or grove. The professional reanimator can never quite cover up the stench of their grim work.
The mark left by the practice of time magic is less obvious but no less indelible. With other disciplines, the marks of experience accumulate as magic is learned, creating an equilibrium of sorts between the exercise of power and the necessary consequences. Time magic suffers no such limitations of cause and effect. Distortions and anachronistic thoughts echo back throughout a time mage's entire life, providing a nonlinear perspective that others can find distracting or even alien. The threat of creating a paradox is ever looming. Many a reckless time mage has inadvertently erased themselves from existence, glimpsed a future they now have no choice but to enact, or attracted the attentions of temporal creatures, such as iriis or siktemporas.
For these reasons, most mages merely dabble in time magic, learning a spell or two here and there. Despite the dangers, a brave few embrace the discipline, for it offers the allure of changing what was and controlling what will be.
Additional Feats
Source Player Core pg. 215 2.0Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level, which might be different than normal when gained from the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.
Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source Dark Archive pg. 184Archetype Time MagePrerequisites You have a spellcasting class feature.
You might be a novice in the temporal arts now, but in the future, you'll hold time in the palm of your hand. As some of your future knowledge leaks back to your present self, you gain the
delay consequence domain spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell. This feat grants a focus pool of 1 Focus Point that you can recover by using the
Refocus activity to revisit moments from your past and contemplate futures yet to come. If you already knew
delay consequence from a feat or ability that allows you to gain your choice of domain spell, such as
Domain Initiate, then when you take this feat, you can retrain that option to gain a different domain spell instead as your personal timeline rearranges itself. You also gain
time sense as an innate cantrip usable at will. This innate spell and your focus spells from the time mage archetype are of the same tradition as the spells you used to meet the archetype's prerequisites.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the time mage archetype.
Legacy Content
Archetype Skill Source Dark Archive pg. 184Archetype Time MagePrerequisites Time Mage Dedication; master in Perception
The flows and ebbs of time are obvious to you, as are the tangles that form when it's distorted. You're automatically aware if any creature that you observe is under the effects of the
slowed or
quickened conditions. You have a general idea when you're in the vicinity of time-manipulating phenomena, though this grants you no particular insight into the specific effects of the anomaly. Particularly subtle temporal anomalies might still escape your notice, requiring a Perception check, as determined by the GM. If you're legendary in
Nature, or
Occultism, or
Religion, whenever a creature that you can observe gains the benefits of
time stop or similar effects, you can observe what happens during the stopped time, though you still can't act yourself for the duration.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Dark Archive pg. 185Archetype Time MagePrerequisites Time Mage Dedication
The secrets of time peel back, revealing deeper truths. You gain either the
stasis domain spell or the
path of least resistance focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your pool by 1.
Special You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time. Increase the number of Focus Points in your pool by 1.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Dark Archive pg. 185Archetype Time MagePrerequisites Time Mage Dedication
More future memories of time magic percolate back to the present, teaching you spells you've yet to learn. Add
behold the weave,
cast into time,
loose time's arrow,
quicken time,
slow, and
stagnate time to your spell list. You can thus potentially learn these spells even if they aren't normally on your tradition's spell list.
Legacy Content
Archetype Concentrate Metamagic Source Dark Archive pg. 185Archetype Time MagePrerequisites Time Mage Dedication
Rather than conjuring creatures from elsewhere in the world or the planes, you can temporarily pull a much different version of yourself from an alternate timeline—for instance, instead of summoning a generic or random
troll with
summon giant, you summon a troll version of yourself from a timeline where you're a troll. If your next action is to Cast a Spell that summons a creature, that creature is another version of you. This creature remains the type of creature you summoned and has largely the same abilities (plus the following adjustments), but it clearly resembles you, likely sharing some distinguishing features, such as mannerisms, speech patterns, tattoos, or clothing. The summoned creature gains a +1 status bonus to any skill check in which you're trained, a +2 status bonus if you're an expert, a +3 status bonus if you're a master, or a +4 status bonus if you're legendary. The creature also takes a –2 penalty to all skills in which you're untrained.
Legacy Content
Archetype Concentrate Metamagic Source Dark Archive pg. 185Archetype Time MagePrerequisites Time Mage Dedication
You know your spell will be needed not now but in a few moments, so you cast your magic into the future. If your next action is to Cast a Spell that takes 1 or 2 actions to cast, the spell's effects occur 1 round later, at the beginning of your next turn, rather than immediately. Targets and choices about the spell must be determined when the spell is cast, and requirements, such as line of sight and line of effect, must be valid both when the spell is cast and when its effects occur. Consequences for the action of Casting the Spell itself, such as an
Attack of Opportunity reaction or ending a foe's fascinated condition by taking a
hostile action, aren't delayed.
Legacy Content
Divination Exploration Oracle Prediction Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 80 2.0Archetype Time Mage* This version of the Read Disaster feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
You spend 10 minutes and open yourself to the divine mysteries of the world, peering into the most sinister portents of the future. You gain the effects of
augury, except you learn only about the dangers ahead; any results of “weal” are instead “nothing,” and results of “weal and woe” are instead “woe.” If you are legendary in
Religion, you take only 1 minute to Read Disaster.
Legacy Content
Bard Concentrate Metamagic Oracle Sorcerer Witch Wizard Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 80 2.0,
Core Rulebook pg. 102 4.0Archetype Time MageFrequency once per day
* This version of the Quickened Casting feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
If your next action is to cast a cantrip or a spell that is at least 2 levels lower than the highest level spell slot you have, reduce the number of actions to cast it by 1 (minimum 1 action).
Special This can only be used on a cantrip or spell from the class matching the one you gained this feat from.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Concentrate Investigator Prediction Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 64 2.0Archetype Time Mage* This version of the Plot the Future feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
You spend 10 minutes in contemplation to uncannily predict how events will play out. Choose a particular goal or activity you plan to engage in within 1 week, or an event you expect might happen within 1 week. You analyze whether it's likely to come to pass, learning whether it's highly likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, or highly unlikely. You also gain a piece of advice suggesting a course of action you or your allies could take that might make the chosen event more or less likely, whichever you prefer. The GM determines the likeliness of the event and the piece of advice you learn.
Legacy Content
Archetype Concentrate Transmutation Source Dark Archive pg. 185Archetype Time MageFrequency once per hour
Prerequisites Time Mage Dedication
All things eventually end, a truth that you can put into practice by accelerating your passage through time to shake off harmful effects. Five rounds of apparent time occur for you. No one, including you, can act during this time, but effects on you run their course, including beneficial effects, negative effects, afflictions, conditions, and
persistent damage. Roll saving throws, flat checks, damage, and any other rolls for those effects normally as if the time had passed. Excessive use of this technique is responsible for more than a few premature gray hairs among time mages.
Legacy Content
Archetype Concentrate Divination Manipulate Metamagic Source Dark Archive pg. 185Archetype Time MageFrequency once per day
Prerequisites Time Mage Dedication
You invest in two futures, then choose the one to make a reality. You Cast two Spells that each take 1 or 2 actions to cast. These can't be the same spell heightened to two different levels. You expend the resources for both spells, such as spell slots, Focus Points, and material components. Determine the immediate results for both spells, including attack rolls, saving throws, damage, and any other dice rolls. Then, choose which of the two spells takes effect, using the previously made rolls. The other spell's resources are still expended, but the spell has no effect as the magic disappears the other timeline.
Legacy Content
Concentrate Metamagic Sorcerer Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 141 2.0Archetypes Time Mage,
Wellspring Mage* This version of the Echoing Spell feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the
original feat.
You time the components of your spell with exacting precision, setting up a resonance that duplicates the spell's effects. If your next action is to Cast a Spell of 4th level or lower that has no duration, the spell's energy reverberates and echoes. You can Cast the Spell a second time before the end of your next turn without expending a spell slot.