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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardSummon UndeadSpell 1

Concentrate Manipulate Summon 
Source Player Core pg. 361
Traditions arcane, divine, occult
Cast [three-actions]
Range 30 feet
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You summon a creature that has the undead trait and whose level is –1 to fight for you.

    Heightened (2nd) Level 1.
    Heightened (3rd) Level 2.
    Heightened (4th) Level 3.
    Heightened (5th) Level 5.
    Heightened (6th) Level 7.
    Heightened (7th) Level 9.
    Heightened (8th) Level 11.
    Heightened (9th) Level 13.
    Heightened (10th) Level 15.

    Level -1 Undead

    PFS StandardCrawling Hand , PFS StandardPredatory Rabbit , PFS StandardSevered Head , PFS StandardSkeleton Guard , PFS StandardZombie Shambler

    Level 0 Undead

    PFS StandardMummified Cat , PFS StandardWolf Skeleton , PFS StandardZombie Snake

    Level 1 Undead

    PFS StandardFestering Gnasher , PFS StandardFestrog , PFS StandardGhoul Stalker , Pickled Punk , PFS StandardPlague Zombie , PFS StandardScorned Hound , PFS StandardSkeletal Soldier

    Level 2 Undead

    PFS StandardDecrepit Mummy , PFS StandardDraugr , PFS StandardFlaming Skull , PFS StandardGhast , PFS StandardGhoul Soldier , PFS StandardHusk Zombie , PFS StandardLacedon , PFS StandardShredskin , PFS StandardSkeletal Champion , PFS StandardSkeletal Horse , PFS LimitedSquirming Swill , PFS StandardZombie Brute

    Level 3 Undead

    Binumir , Chimpanzee Visitant , PFS StandardCombusted , PFS StandardDeathless Acolyte of Urgathoa , PFS StandardFiddling Bones , PFS StandardSkeletal Giant , PFS StandardTrailgaunt , PFS StandardWight , PFS StandardZombie Owlbear

    Level 4 Undead

    PFS StandardAttic Whisperer , PFS StandardGhost Commoner , PFS StandardShadow , Shanrigol Heap , PFS StandardVampire Servitor

    Level 5 Undead

    PFS StandardBog Mummy , Crawling Hand Swarm , PFS StandardGhul , PFS StandardGiant Crawling Hand , PFS StandardHarpy Skeleton , PFS StandardIruxi Ossature , Lion Visitant , PFS StandardNamorrodor , PFS StandardPoltergeist , PFS StandardPriest of Kabriri , PFS StandardSkaveling , PFS StandardSkeletal Mage , PFS StandardTaunting Skull , PFS StandardWithered

    Level 6 Undead

    PFS StandardAbandoned Zealot , PFS StandardBeetle Carapace , PFS StandardHungry Ghost , PFS StandardMummy Guardian , PFS StandardRevenant , PFS StandardSulfur Zombie , PFS StandardVampire Count , PFS StandardVrykolakas Spawn , PFS StandardWraith , PFS StandardZombie Hulk

    Level 7 Undead

    Cyclops Zombie , PFS StandardGreater Shadow , PFS StandardSkeletal Hulk , PFS StandardSpecter , PFS StandardTotenmaske

    Level 8 Undead

    PFS StandardDrake Skeleton , PFS StandardGhost Pirate Captain , PFS StandardMohrg , PFS StandardRaw Nerve , Rin , PFS StandardVetalarana Emergent , Zombie Mammoths

    Level 9 Undead

    PFS StandardBaykok , PFS StandardDread Wraith , PFS RestrictedGeist , Ghost Monk , PFS StandardTyrannosaurus Skeleton , PFS StandardVampire Mastermind , PFS StandardZombie Dragon

    Level 10 Undead

    PFS StandardClacking Skull Swarm , Cursed King , PFS StandardGhost Mage , PFS StandardGraveknight , PFS StandardVrykolakas Master

    Level 11 Undead

    PFS StandardBhuta , PFS StandardCorpseroot , PFS StandardProvincial Jiang-Shi , PFS StandardUnrisen , Xae , PFS StandardZombie Mammoth

    Level 12 Undead

    PFS StandardLlorona

    Level 13 Undead

    Fionn , PFS StandardSilent Stalker , PFS StandardSkeletal Titan , PFS RestrictedVanyver

    Level 14 Undead

    PFS StandardMinister Of Tumult , PFS RestrictedTormented

    Level 15 Undead

    PFS StandardGallowdead , PFS StandardHollow Serpent , Shraen Graveknight , Soulbound Ruin , PFS RestrictedSykever