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This section is intended to serve as a reference for GMs running the listed adventures. It will show all related Archetypes, Creatures, Feats, and Spells for a given adventure. It is not intended to be a replacement for the Sources section - if you are looking for a full list of everything that has come from an adventure, please check there.
Pathfinder #157: Devil at the Dreaming PalaceSource Page


Edgewatch Detective


Miriel Grayleafpg. 7

Antaro Boldbladepg. 8

Bolar Of Stonemoorpg. 8

Skebspg. 8

Grunkapg. 10

Female goblin warriors
Items club, lesser alchemist's fires (2)
Melee club +8 (thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning
Ranged lesser alchemist's fire +8, Damage 1d8 fire plus 1 persistent fire and 1 fire splash

Pelmopg. 10

Male goblin warriors
Items club, lesser alchemist's fires (2)
Melee club +8 (thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning
Ranged lesser alchemist's fire +8, Damage 1d8 fire plus 1 persistent fire and 1 fire splash

Larigold Rellpg. 11

Female human bandit

Skeleton Guardpg. 11

Eunicepg. 12

Beaktoothpg. 13

Female cockatrice

Hootspg. 14

Female weak owlbear

Rustypg. 14

Male elite rust monster

Big Bertapg. 15

Giant viper

Weak Hyenapg. 15

Flash Beetlepg. 16

That Bastardpg. 18

Male ankhrav

Doopapg. 23

Female kobold scout

Cheelpg. 24

Female kobold scout
Items lesser acid flask (2)

Joskpg. 24

Male kobold scout
Items lesser acid flask (2)

Bloodseekerpg. 25

Battle Leader Rekarekpg. 27

Kreskipg. 27

Female kobold scout

Marglepg. 27

Hunting spider

Elite Kobold Warriorpg. 28

Okelpg. 28

Female kobold warrior

Wexpg. 28

Female kobold warrior

Skerixpg. 29

Female kobold dragon mage

Eggard, Guston, and Blinnypg. 32

Male and Female ghouls

Gelatinous Cubepg. 32

Grefpg. 34

Kekkerpg. 34

Morvigguspg. 34

Male caligni creeper (Pathfinder Bestiary 50)
Items black smear poison (3 doses), 3 daggers

Tianopg. 34

Female caligni creeper (Pathfinder Bestiary 50)
Items black smear poison (3 doses), 3 daggers

Mimicpg. 48

Giant Viperpg. 52

Kemenelespg. 53

Lyrma Swampwalkerpg. 54

Nobbindalepg. 54

Male redcap

Little Bit and Pretty Girlpg. 55

Soulbound dolls (NE and CE)

Ralsopg. 55

Attic Whispererpg. 56

Animated Statuepg. 57

Pickled Punkpg. 59

1pg. 61

Wightpg. 62

Binumirpg. 63

Hendrid Pratchettpg. 63

Wrent Dicaspironpg. 88

Hendrid Pratchettpg. 89

Ralsopg. 90


Arcane Sensitivity, Bolera's Interrogation, Edgewatch Detective Dedication, Sense Alignment


Boiling Fountains, Canopy Drop, Dart Barrage, Exploding Statue, Explosive Barrels, Flying Guillotine, Gas Trap, Hidden Chute, Plunger Chute
Pathfinder #158: Sixty Feet UnderSource Page


Wasp Swarmpg. 7

Weak Ether Spiderpg. 9

Xillpg. 9

Droan's Toughpg. 11

CE human ruffian

Mastiffpg. 11

Riding dog

Droan's Smugglerpg. 12

LE human burglar

Franzicpg. 12

Male human fence

Overseer Kepsipg. 12

Female bugbear tormentor

Bunyippg. 13

Percen Droanpg. 13

LE male human gang leader

Copper Hand Roguepg. 16

Dig-Widgetpg. 17

Skinstitchpg. 17

Eurlpg. 22

Timospg. 22

Copper Hand Illusionistpg. 23

Prototype Vaultbreaker Oozepg. 23

Weak vaultbreaker ooze

Vaultbreaker Oozepg. 23

Akhapg. 24


Grootherpg. 24

Elite tiefling adept

Krishmipg. 24


Lopypg. 24

Elite tiefling adept

Basiliskpg. 25

Elite Copper Hand Roguepg. 25

Palmpg. 25

Male Copper Hand illusionist
Siblings' Choreography Whenever Palm Casts a Spell while Pick is in an adjacent square, he can immediately Step into any other square adjacent to Pick as a reaction.

Pickpg. 25

Female Copper Hand illusionist
Siblings' Choreography Whenever Pick Casts a Spell while Palm is in an adjacent square, she can immediately Step into any other square adjacent to Palm as a reaction.

Sanjirpg. 25

Fayati Alummurpg. 26

Prospecti Statuepg. 34

Variant giant animated statues
Items Huge +1 longsword
Melee [one-action] longsword +18 (magical, versatile P), Damage 1d8+10 slashing
Stone Robes [one-action] The Prospecti statue turns suddenly, causing its robes, which flow like fabric despite being as hard as stone, to swing about and damage opponents. Creatures adjacent to the animated statue take 2d6+6 bludgeoning damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save; on a critical failure, the creature is also knocked prone). This replaces the Brazier and Burn Alive abilities of the Bestiary's giant animated statues.

Frefferthpg. 35

Elite Skeletal Championpg. 36

Xitelberakpg. 37

Weak roper

Black Puddingpg. 38

Tyrroicesepg. 40

Elite Fungus Leshypg. 42

Skitterstitchpg. 42

Elite variant skinstitch
Spider Swarm Host Skitterstitches host a spider swarm within themselves, which erupts out when the skitterstitch is destroyed.
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
Melee [one-action] blade legs +17 (agile, sweep), Damage 2d4+10 slashing
Melee [one-action] fangs +17 (forceful, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+10 piercing
Skitterstitch Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 23 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d10 poison, flat-footed, and clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d10 poison, flat-footed, and clumsy 2 (1 round)

Tick Swarmpg. 42

Bone Skipper Swarmpg. 47

Ofalth Zombiepg. 47

Elite Ofalthpg. 48

Army Ant Swarmpg. 49

Carveypg. 49

Variant flesh golem
Suicidal Obedience Carvey is unerringly loyal to the Skinsaw cult and to Mobana especially. When Carvey goes berserk, she doesn't attack the nearest living creature or object but instead moves adjacent to the creature nearest the edge of the balcony (or a similar falling hazard, if the battle is taking place elsewhere) and attempts to Shove the creature over the cliff's edge. The number of feet Carvey can Shove a creature is doubled as long as Carvey has 40 or fewer HP (thus, she pushes a creature 10 feet on a successful check and 20 feet on a critical success), but she must move the same distance and in the same direction as the pushed creature. If the shoved creature falls over the cliff's edge, so does Carvey.

Elite Ceustodaemonpg. 49

Skinstitchpg. 49

Skinsaw Murdererpg. 50

Skinsaw Seamerpg. 51

Skinsaw Initiatepg. 53

Weak Skinsaw murderer

Elite Skinstitchpg. 54

Excorionpg. 54

Mobanapg. 54

LE female elite assassin
Supersonic Hearing Mobana has spent years in close proximity to the deafening music box in her possession and is immune to its effects. She also gains a +2 circumstance bonus against sonic effects and effects that impose the deafened condition

The Skinnerpg. 54

Violettapg. 54

Elite Skinsaw seamer

Weak Dig-Widgetpg. 54

Shristi Melipdrapg. 90


Hallucination Powder Trap, Hands of the Forgotten, Iron Maiden Trap, Life Magnet, Rigged Cubby, Spinning Blade Pillar


Admonishing Ray, Magical Fetters, Maze of Locked Doors, Putrefy Food and Drink
Pathfinder #159: All or NothingSource Page




Ambushing Knockdown, Cartwheel Dodge, Coordinated Distraction, Deny Support, Flourishing Finish, Murderer's Circle, Performance Weapon Expert, Pin to the Spot, Provocator Dedication, Slice and Swipe, Subtle Shank
Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge SevenSource Page


Imp Sting, Leng Sting, Linnorm Sting, Swarming Wasp Stings, Wyvern Sting
Pathfinder #161: Belly of the Black WhaleSource Page


Ordained Purpose, Split the Tongue
Pathfinder #162: Ruins of the Radiant SiegeSource Page


Divinity Leech, Prismatic Shield